Chapter 17

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"You, I want to fight with you"


I woke up to fifteen missed calls this morning.

Five from Naomi.

Ten from Harry.

It's only eight in the morning, and my day has already gotten too complicated.

I tried calling Harry back already, but he didn't answer. He's probably still asleep considering all of his calls were from late last night.

Before I call Naomi, I walk from the bedroom to our kitchen to find Sarah.

She has a cup of tea in hand when I find her.

"Morning-" I start.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You're phone has been blowing up, and I have Naomi texting me asking if I can call her. Not to mention I have a few missed calls from Harry from last night."

"Okay a lot of shit must've gone down last night. I already tried calling Harry, but let me call Naomi and see if everything is okay."

"Put her on speaker." She says.

I find her contact and put her on speaker phone.

It rings a few times before she picks up.

"Hi." She says shortly.

"Hey, what's going on?" I say, trying to gauge her mood.

"Is everything okay?" Sarah asks.

"Did you guys know?" She asks, sounding really upset.

"Did we know what?" I ask her.

"Did you know that Harry lied to me?"

Sarah and I look at each other in shock. We look to each other for an answer, but neither of us can find any words.

"Hello?" Naomi says impatiently.

Her voice brings us back to the current situation.

"Yes, we knew." Sarah answers honestly.

Naomi goes quiet.

I now notice it sounds like she's in a car.

"Naomi, where are you headed?" I ask concerned.

"Relax, I'm not running away, I'm just grabbing a coffee." She answers coldly.

I know she's upset and I feel bad, but I'm so relieved she's not leaving.

"We're so sorry Naomi-" Sarah starts.

"Just don't, okay? I gotta go, we can talk about this later-"

"Where are you getting coffee? Let's talk in person." I say calmly.

"I need time to think-"

"Please?" Sarah adds.

Naomi's end goes silent for a few seconds.

Just as I'm thinking she's going to hang up the phone, she finally replies.

"Fine." She agrees.

"Thank you." Sarah says.

"Mhmm... But I just got here, I gotta go. I'll see you in a few." She says shortly.

"Wait Where are you?" I ask.

She hesitates to answer.

"Beachwood. Gotta go." She says, then hangs up before either of us gets a chance to talk again.

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