Chapter 10

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"We're the greatest they'll hang us in the Louvre. Down the back, but who cares? It's still the Louvre."


"So... What are you gonna do?" Cianni asks.

I shake my head 'I don't know'.

"And you don't remember anything you said?"

I shake my head again.

"Are you sure you didn't understand any of it?" I ask her.

"No, how could I have? I literally don't know French." She says.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I ask while rubbing my temples.

"Girl I tried, you literally ran from me and locked yourself in the bathroom." She can't help but laugh a little and I don't blame her.

"What should I do?" I ask pathetically.

"Don't do anything, and then if he tries to call or text just explain you were drunk and didn't mean whatever the hell you said."

"What are we talking about?" Dani asks as she walks into my room.

"It's nothing-" I start.

"She locked herself in the bathroom last night and drunk called Harry. The worst part is she left a voice-mail and doesn't remember what she said. I listened through the door but she was speaking French." Cianni explains.

"Okay well at least you were speaking French so he won't get it either?" Dani tried to look for a bright side.

"He speaks French too." I say.

"Oh..." Dani says. "Okay well just call him or text him and tell him and see how he feels about what you said."

"No way." I say simply. "I'm gonna just see if he says anything, and if he does I'll tell him I was drunk. It'll be simple and quick."

"Come on Naomi you should probably have a conversation with him at some point. And I wouldn't be saying this, but he showed up at your show..." Dani says carefully.

"And they ran into each other at the studio." Cianni says.

"You what?" Dani looks excited.

"It's not a good thing, we didn't even talk to each other. Honestly I don't want anything to do with him." I say quickly then walk out and head to the kitchen.

"What's if you just-" Dani starts as she and Cianni follow me.

"Did Austin leave already?" I ask changing the subject.

She's frustrated that I'm not gonna keep talking about Harry, but she understands.

"Yes, he left a little bit ago." She answers.

"Are you doing okay?" I ask as I look in the fridge for something to drink.

"Yeah I'm fine, we've already exchanged numbers and stuff so we're gonna keep in contact. And obviously I'll see him when we get back next week."

"About that..." I say.

"What?" Cianni looks at me suspiciously.

"I'm not going back next week." I say.

"What? Why?" Dani asks shocked.

"Cause she wants to avoid her problems-" Cianni says.

"Cianni-" I start.

"What? It's true and you know it." She says.

"No, I'm finding a lot of songwriting inspiration here. It's good for my album." I try to explain to them.

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