Chapter 19

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Sorry about not updating yall!

"You been so understanding, you been so good and I'm puttin' you through more than one ever should"


I slide my phone back into my pocket, took a breath, and walked back into the studio.

"Everything okay?" Elijah asks.

"Yeah... It is..." I say unsurely "I was... Well... I am nominated for a Grammy. Well I guess technically it's a few? I don't know I'm in a bit of a shock." I say.

"What? How? I mean congratulations of course, but how?" He says with a huge grin as he lifts me off of my feet in a hug.

I laugh at the gesture and his confusion.

"Well, the circumstances are... not the best." I explain.

He puts me down, slight concern now on his face.

"Harry's album was nominated. I therefore was nominated too because I worked on a lot of it." I say.

"Oh." Elijah looks like he's trying to hide disappointment.

"Oh?" I ask.

"It's nothing Naomi, congratulations." He fakes a smile.

There's obviously something wrong.

"Hey, what is it? You can tell me." I say putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm just happy for you. That's all, I promise." He says with a smile this time that almost has me convinced he's telling the truth.

I don't push it though.

"Was that his manager then?" Eli asks as he sits down at one of the desks and starts working on something on his laptop.

"Um no actually... It was him." I say.

"Oh... Okay." He says with cold eyes.

I've never seen him like this before.

He's never really been upset with me.

"Are you mad because we talked on the phone?"

"No naomi." He sighs like he's trying to muster up patience.

"Well as soon as I brought him up it pissed you off, but if this isn't about him can you tell me what it's about? I don't want you to be upset." I say honestly.

We really just need to talk it out.

He leans his head back in the chair and closes his eyes in thought. He takes a second, then let's out a breath and opens his eyes to look directly into mine.

"N we've been making your album for over a year together. I've heard your lyrics. I know they're about him. Can you blame me for not being his biggest fan?" He says.


"And you looked so happy, talking about your nomination when you walked in a few minutes ago. But you know what?"

"What?" I say a little more quiet, getting nervous.

"Your face lit up a little when you mentioned that it was partially because of him. And then again when you said it was him on the phone. You obviously didn't notice it but I did. After all the shit he put you through he still has that affect on you. And I..." His voice trails off.

"And you?" I ask wanting him to continue.

He stares at me for a few seconds, seemingly debating on how to continue.

"I don't get it. S'all I was gonna say." He finally says.

We stare at each other knowing he's not telling the truth. But also both of us knowing quietly what his unspoken truth is.

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