Chapter 22

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"Do I love him? Do I hate him? I guess it's up and down"


I have to finalize the track list today.

And to my suprise, I've decided to be painfully vulnerable with my choices.

They're obvious. They're honest.

He'll know which ones are about him. And I have to accept that.

I have to let go.

I'm thanking my lucky stars that he moved across the world. At least it won't be hard to avoid him.

I'm currently in my car on the way home from the meeting about the track list.

I have nothing else to do for the day which is rare, so part of me feels like I should go out and do something.

Dani, Cianni, and I have plans to go to dinner later tonight so I have a few hours to kill.

I think about what I used to do with my free time before my life changed.

I worked at Beachwood, I taught piano lessons, I would go to Canyon Moon, I would go to the diner-

The diner.

I stray from the road I was on and take a right.

After about 15 minutes I'm parked in front of the diner.

I haven't been here in ages.

It's the slow part of the day so there are plenty of places to sit. I walk to the back and find the booth by the jukebox.

Nothing has changed, not that I expected it to. Nothing about this place has ever changed since I moved to L.A..

I haven't been waiting long when Kathy walks up to my table.

"What can I get you?" She asks me while looking at her notepad.

"Do you remember my usual?" I smile.

She finally looks up.

"Oh my goodness! Naomi, sweetheart, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a lifetime!" She sounds so suprised.

I start feeling a little guilty that it's been so long.

"I've been okay, how about you?" I ask.

"Fantastic! I got remarried!" She holds up her left hand to show me her ring.

"Oh wow that's amazing! Joey right?" I try to make sure.

She's had so many boyfriends it was hard to keep up.

"No we broke up a while ago, his name is Jim." She smiles.

"So how's Harry?" She asks as she sits across from me in the booth.

"Oh um we actually haven't been together for a while now." I say awkwardly.

"Oh no, well what happened sweetie?" She asks concerned.

"Oh no I mean I'm okay it happened a while ago." I say.

I mean it did happen a while ago. Whether or not I'm completely okay is probably up for debate.

"Are you sure? Tell me anyway. And tell me what's been going on with you! I hear your song on the radio now!"

"It's a long story, and aren't you supposed to be working?" I laugh.

"Oh come on its slow right now, Debbie will take care of it. Oh wait."

She gets up from the table and goes to the counter to put my order in. Then she grabs a mug and a pot of coffee, and brings it back with her to the table.

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