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The ANBU from the Sand attacks the Iron Lord's village. Within a short period of time, they're managed to dominate the Iron Lord's army. Shinji tells Kurasaki to leave the place as far as she can. Without hesitation she takes Shinki and leaves the house and went to the woods. And most of the ANBU are chasing after her, including Kuragami. One of the ANBU uses Sand Bullet jutsu and successfully hits Kurasaki on her left shoulder from the back. Shinki yells at his mom in panic to get up but she's heavily injured. Suddenly Ronin appears in front of her. The ANBU tries to throw weapons at him but Ronin easily repels it with his magnet release magnetic forcefield jutsu and sends their own weapons back and penetrates them all. As Kuragami witnesses all of her comrades die and getting penetrated through their own head by their own weapon, she takes cover and hides behind the tree to observe Ronin's next move.. Her motive is to take down Ronin and take Kurasaki and her mom to where she think it's safe. The surroundings was full of blood and dismembered dead corpses. Shinki was terrified by what he just witnessed and his mom tried to calm him down from distance thinking Ronin have just saved them by saying "That's OK s. Kurasaki tries to get back up and suddenly Ronin bursts off her chest from behind and his hand penetrates through her. Everything around them went silent. Shinki's eyes went wide in disbelief and yells horrifyingly. He collapsed to the ground making a splash from the pool of blood.

- Kurasaki : What's all this Ronin...

- Ronin : I've always wanted to do that all this time. Since you're an outsider. That's what you get for spitting on my face the first time we met. Luckily, everything have gone too well for me.

- Kurasaki (remembered back when her cousin told her someone was colluding with the ANBU giving rumour that she's still alive) : So.. you're the one who colluded with the Sand's ANBU about me still alive..?

- Ronin : I admit it's a shame for me to be working with the Sand since I despised them so much. But the end goal is worth it.

- Kurasaki : What is it?.. What's your goal for going this far..

- Ronin : Ahh.. I forgot that you're an outsider. I want this nation to be powerful and advanced in terms of military might. By working with the Sand's ANBU, they will link me back to Kazuya.

- Kurasaki : Kazuya?.. He's the one who helped Shinji built this village & the leader of AIBO...?

- Kuragami : So you've heard of him huh? Probably from my brother himself. He's dumb for doing that. Anyway, I'm really intrigued by your son, he possesses a unique chakra element that combines both of your powers. He will be a great asset for this village for sure. His got the potential to be a great weapon to destroy other nations. Since I know neither my brother nor you will teach him how to use his advantages. I'm going to be his teacher instead.

- Kurasaki : Do you think that he's just gonna follow your orders after seeing all of this.??

- Ronin : Heh.. Don't worry, I'll just simply put the blame on the Sand for doing this.

Ronin then drops her down while stepping on her back with his right leg. Kuragami was shocked by what just happened. Ronin walks forward to take Shinki with him. Kuragami then steps up by lunging from Ronin's back attempting to stab his neck using her sword made from her sand style but he noticed her by seeing the reflection from the pool of blood under his feet. He then deflects her sword and chokes her.

- Ronin : So, you're her cousin that snuck in trying to relay the ANBU's plan to her weeks ago huh.? You filthy bitches.

- Kuragami : How dare you do that to my cousin!! Your own family in-law!! You devil!!

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