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Today is my graduation day.

He's not here, he never is. He promised he would be there, promised he would see me on one of the best days of my life. My friends, the few that I had use to say maybe he has a secret family, well they never knew I am the secret family. He made me promised once I graduated nursing school, I would move to New York to help his business and we could be a family. He told me he would move me to his home to have me work for him. Once I graduated. But right now, I didn't want to have anything to do with him. He left me alone on an otherwise happy day.

"Ms. Esposito, are you ready to go?" My Uncle Kevin asked. He isn't actually my uncle he's a bodyguard my father assigned me since I was a kid. Poor guy, I mean I guess not poor guy considering he fell in love and married my nanny Lucy and we acted like a family 95% of the time. Most people think they're my parents anyways so sometimes I believe it myself.

"Yes," I answered quietly.

"I know if he could he would have been here."

"Yeah ok," I responded with tears in my eyes as we walked across the field to the black sedan with tinted windows. 

We get in the car and Kevin backs out of the parking spot and begins driving. We drive in silence for the 15-minute ride to the house we lived in while I was a student at Utah State University. I glance over at him and I know he wants to say something but keeps it to himself.

We park outside of the small bungalow we have been renting while I was a student. Kevin asked "So did you apply to jobs in New York?"

"Yes, I remember the deal Dad gave me," I mumble back.

"Good, listen I know he hasn't been around but you understand, correct?"

"Yeah, I know it just sucks, he promised he would be here."

"I know kiddo, you better get some rest we are leaving early in the morning."

"Ok, I'll see you in the morning," I give him a kiss on the cheek and I head inside and right upstairs to my room.

As I pack up the last of my belongings, tomorrow we head to New York City for me to find a job there and then eventually work for my father. My father met my mother after his first wife died when she was a student in college and she eventually got pregnant. My father promised to take care of me which he did. But my mother died when I was two and ever since then I have had Kevin and Lucy to look after me. My father would visit a few times a year but for a long weekend but never more than a few days. Soon I will probably be seeing him every day, which gives me a warm and happy feeling that puts a smile on my face. I will finally have the family I've wanted my whole life.

The next morning as we pack up the car, and head to the airport Kevin looks off, he looks slightly nervous he never looks nervous. As we drive off, I ask "Uncle Kevin are you ok?"

"Yes, sweetheart I'm just excited to see your Aunt Lucy."

We arrive in New York and he still looks nervous, like something is bugging him. We drive to an apartment and Uncle Kevin tells me that I will be living here alone and he and Aunt Lucy will be living a few buildings away. He tells me this is my father's idea since he wants me to be used to being by myself.

I haven't lived alone outside of my freshman year in college where I lived on campus which was a disaster I might add. I have a plan once I get a job he'll call and we'll start the life that I hope he wants to have his daughter right by his side.

The Lawyer (Book 1 of the New York Brotherhood Series)Where stories live. Discover now