Chapter 14

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I worked nonstop for almost 12 hours. Phone calls, emails, zoom calls. Somehow, I only looked over at the bathroom that adjoined my office and the room Vanessa was in a total of 5 times.

            I didn't realize how late it was until I heard a soft knock at the door and it was nearly 8 at night. I barely ate when I worked and even more rare to leave my office. Opening the door, the instant scent of lavender hit my nose. Then I saw where the smell was coming from. It was a beautiful redhead in light blue scrubs and her hair in a messy bun on top of her head.

            "Hey." Vanessa says to break the silence.

            "Hey. Shit, I'm sorry I didn't realize it was so late."

            "It's alright. I had a question for you, so my shift doesn't start for another 3 hours but I need to make some food for my shift. Do you mind if we go to my apartment so I was grab what I prepped?"

            "You could use the food I have here?"

            "Uh—I don't want to take your food Mateo." The sound of my name coming out of her mouth sounds so perfect.

            "I promise I normally never use it all anyway."

            "Ok, I'll make you something too since it looks like you haven't left this room in hours."

I gave her a soft smile. "I have a few more things to finish but I shouldn't be too much longer."

Closing the door, I head over to my desk and sit down. My mind goes right to those light blue scrubs and she looked so perfect in them. It fit her body and curves perfectly. Seeing her there made me realize how much I never really gave a shit about what a woman was wearing. I am a one and done, I don't do dates, I don't do breakfast, none of that shit. But with Vanessa it seems right. Convincing myself it is because of the fact that this marriage contract is looming.

Moving always from my thoughts of Vanessa, I focus back on my work trying to finish the last few emails I needed to answer. The constant thought of Vanessa out in the kitchen was giving me a hard on that was now pressing even further on my pants. Walking out of the office about a half hour later, the instant smell of food made my stomach grumble. Leaning against the wall, I could see her with her back to me and took her in, seeing the curve of her neck and her hourglass figure.

Realizing how focused she was and not wanting to disturb her I walk back into my room and shut the door. After a long day I want to just drink a beer and watch tv but I knew I couldn't do that tonight. As I changed into jeans and a gray t shirt my mind started to drift.

How do I tell her we're supposed to get married?

Will she hate me.

Will she run away.

Will she not care and stay?

After a few minutes I walk out of my room and walking into the kitchen noticing again the back of her cooking. She turns around and smiles softly at me and I can't help but smile back. I walk forward and walk over to grab a glass to fill with water.

"Here." She turns to face me and gives be a plate of pasta.

"Thank you, you didn't have to—"

"Don't worry about it, it's the least I could do since I am staying at your place."

"Thanks." I mumble. If you only knew why your brother is having you stay here. I walk over to the bar and sit down. She sits next to me and starts eating her food.

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