Chapter 15

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Well, that was one fucking way to drop a bomb on me.

            I'm sitting in Gino's office with him as he tells me clearly what I am supposed to be doing as his sister marrying his best friend. You would think a brother would hate it and outright refuse but not my brother he is all for it.

            "I know, I know." He clearly is reading my face as a what the fuck not a yes I will totally do that. "Dad made the deal when you were 16 so we can't back out on it."

            "He's your best friend and Dad's dead so can't you be like no or I don't know wait until you I know him more." Not trying to give away the fact I fucked him already.

            "Listen this is also for your protection; I have no idea how it got out so fast but I have been getting calls nonstop for different people wanting to marry you."


            "It's normal in this life."

            "Then why aren't you married."

            "Don't worry about me." He smirks.

            We sit in silence for a few minutes and all I can think about is this horrible plan or deal dad made. The more I think about it, it was on my 16th birthday that he told me to get a degree and move to New York to work for him. my mind is racing on how long everyone knew about this but me. Considering that Mateo is in the room siting silently I'm guessing he knows or at least has an idea.

            "So let me get this straight, this deal was made and none of you are questioning it? How long did you two know about it?"

            Mateo decides to interject before Gino can. Great my future husband or do I say fiancé. "We didn't know, well at least I didn't until Sunday. Gino didn't know until then either."

            Gino takes over the explanation. "Listen this is the best option yes it's something none of us were thinking about and yes I was going to keep this from you for a while so you don't think that is the only reason you are here. But there has been some offers and its just easier to do this than wait."

            "Offers for what?" I ask.

            "Offers to marry you." Gino responds. That makes me cringe. "So I'm thinking Saturday afternoon we get you two hitched and then hopefully that will get these fuckers to shut up. That also means you are moving into Mateo's and people will be watching, so you both are going to act like you know each other at least a little bit."

            Mateo gives me a sly smile and I internally role my eyes. At least I am marrying a hot Italian, that's a perk, I guess.

            "Why Saturday afternoon? I work that night?"

            "Well, it's the earliest weekend day, could you get someone to cover for you?"

            "It's hard to ask this last minute, normally you are supposed to ask two to three weeks in advance."

            "Hmm—it might actually better if you work because then no one will know right away. I have been pushing them off saying you're taken but I haven't said by who."

            Rolling my eyes again, I am honestly pissed but also relieved that they are trying to keep me safe.

            "Don't worry this won't be a big wedding just a small group of us we don't want anyone getting any ideas. I am going to leave you two alone for a minute I have some stuff to do. Come downstairs when you're done talking." Clearly Gino thinks he's a matchmaker considering he wants us to be left alone. I thought mafia guys were protective as shit over the women. But you do you I guess. Gino leaves his office which gives Mateo his cue to start talking. Great we're starting this engagement with apologies already.

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