Chapter 17

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The last few days has been torturing in the sense that it was look and barely touch. I spent way too much time starring at Vanessa. She probably thinks I'm insane at this point or that I am obsessed with her. We talked more and more over the last few days and I'm realizing that she is even more interesting the more I spend time with her. We shared glances and I tried to kiss a bit more than a few kisses on her forehead but she wasn't having it.

Walking out of my office after working for hours, I notice her in the living room reading, it's almost seven and she needs to be at the hospital for a few hours. I talked with Gino and we both agree eventually she will need someone else watching her at her shift if she is working during the night. She hasn't fully forgiven me so maybe someone else would be a good idea at least for a few days. Right as I turn to walk in to talk to her the front door opens and Alonso walks in.

"Hey man." He says as walking in.


"You must be Vanessa, I'm Alonso." He looks at Vanessa and he shakes her hand.

"Want to talk in my office?" I ask him.


"Vanessa if you want you can order something to eat."

"Thanks, but I'm good I'm just going to get everything together for my shift." She gets up and leaves the living room and goes into her room.

"Yeesh bro, sorry I missed the wedding but is she still mad at you."

"I don't know if it's more anger or lack of trust right now."

"I like her I mean considering she isn't just falling for you speaks volumes."

"Asshole are you trying to tell me you've fallen for me." I roll my eyes.

"No, what I'm saying is being in the same room with someone makes your feelings change really quickly."

We walk into my office and he sits at one of the chairs across from me. Alonso is spending tonight with us to get a hang of things and to take over being with her on shifts.

"Sorry I couldn't be at your wedding man. I wasn't released from the hospital until Sunday morning. I thought I was never going to leave."

"I didn't realize it was that bad."

"It wasn't that bad it was just the blood loss."

"Ahh—have you talked to Drew since Sunday."

He paused, "No why?"

"He lost his mind after hearing you got shot, did he visit you in the hospital?"

"Yeah, but he didn't say much."


"Why aren't you going to be doing this whole watching her thing anymore."

"Well for one I still have my day job and two I'm still trying to get her forgiveness for lying to her."

"What exactly did you do to get her this pissed at you?"

"I didn't tell her about the marriage contract until after I had sex with her and Gino is the one that told her."

"You're an idiot," He laughs.

"Yeah, I know." I roll my eyes at him.

We spend the next hour going over everything he needs to know. From the types of patients she sees to the people she works with.

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