Chapter 24

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I slowly pry open my eyes. The crying through the baby monitor has been going off for the last few minutes. Looking at the alarm clock its almost seven in the morning. Pulling myself out of bed I put my robe on and walk out of the room to the nursey next door. It's been almost a year since Mateo left on a plane to Italy and I haven't heard from him since. No one has. Every morning I wake up and hope one day he walks through the door, but I am starting to falter.

Walking into the nursery there they are, my pride and joy and possible the last living memory of Mateo. Victoria Mattea and Julian Matthew, the names Mateo had set on and their middle names are different versions of his. When they were born, I didn't know and still don't know if I'll see their father again so I named them after him. Every time I look at them, I am flooded with the last year of memories.

Shortly after he went missing, I left my job at the hospital. I didn't know what to do I wanted to be home as much as possible just in case Mateo walked through that door. Lauren, Tanner and I still talk. When I told them Mateo had gone missing, they completely understood why I needed to be home. Lauren came up with the idea of texting Mateo updates, just in case he turned on his phone. But after over 500 messages none have been read.

The twins were born almost a month early and I needed to have an emergency c-section. They had to stay in the NICU for a few days because they were so small. But luckily, they were able to come home after eight days in the hospital. Juliet comes over every day and helps me with some things and Alonso has become one of my closest friends. Gino basically assigned him to live with me.

But a week ago Gino sent him on a trip and he wouldn't tell me were. So now I'm worried about not just my husband but my best friend being away. Luckily Alonso has been texting me but still hasn't told me where he is. I understand that I they don't want to scare me, but I've told them I can handle it.

Working in almost auto pilot. I get them both dressed and ready for the day. Victoria in a light purple onesie and Julian in a light yellow one. Like I do every morning I send a text to Mateo with pictures of the kids.

Me: Good morning baby. Julian, Victoria and I miss you so much. They still haven't gotten onto a great sleeping schedule but I'm trying. Gino told me they found you but you're still not great. I can't wait to see you and for you to see the kids. I love you so much and come home soon.

Staring at the phone for a sloid minute hoping it will flip to read which is doesn't. Julian starts crying which pulls me out of my trace. "Hi sweet boy." I say to my son and he smiles up at me from the changing table. Grabbing them both and head downstairs. Putting them both in high chairs in the kitchen I get their formula ready. I start to make myself breakfast and coffee.

I feed them each their bottle and quickly eat my bagel. Looking at the clock I notice its almost eight and Juliet will probably be here in a half hour so I realize I should get dressed. Walking back upstairs with one twin on each hip. I walk right into the master bedroom. Laying the twins on the bed I quickly throw on some leggings and a blue t shirt. Walking over to my jewelry box I grab the one piece of jewelry outside of my wedding and engagement rings. It's a necklace, a ring holder necklace. Mateo gifted it to me shortly after we got married so I could wear them around my neck while working and not wearing gloves. Now it hold Mateo's wedding ring. The necklace is sliver and so is his wedding ring. The necklace has an open rhombus shaped pendent with a small diamond on the bottom. His wedding ring hasn't left this necklace since Gino handed it to me after the broke into his hotel room and found his things.

I walk over to the bed and sit down. Holding the necklace and staring at it for a second. "I just hope your daddy comes home soon." I say quietly, looking down and Victoria and Julian. Picking them both up again I walk back down stairs. I set the twins down in a play pen and sit on the couch and turn on the tv. Staring at the reality tv playing on the screen, my eyes start to water like they do every morning. All of the feelings I feel come to the fore front, normally its sadness and anger. I know it's a combination of postpartum depression and being anxiety ridden with Mateo being gone.

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