Chapter 12

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I'm lying bed thinking about the conversation Gino and I had while Vanessa was packing her things. Damn she's in my place right now watching something on her laptop. It would feel so good to have her in this bed with me.

            "Dude we might need you to marry Vanessa quicker." Gino says to me.

            "Why did something happen?" I respond.

            "Yeah some Russian asshole knows about her and that she's my sister and he wants her. I have ignored him so far but then I got a call from the Irish and then from the Gallo's." He sighs. "How the fuck did they find out about her so fast."

            "I would not be surprised if they knew but didn't believe it until they saw her. After I started piecing it together, I trying calling both of you and no one answered so the worst came to my head. She may not have been my sister for long but she is my sister. We have to protect her. You need to get close to her get her to trust you like we talked about but it's going to need to be quicker."

            "When are you planning to tell her about the marriage contract?"

            "I probably won't I don't want her thinking that's the only reason you are around with her. I think my dad was right you two look good together."

            "Dude just so you know she is highly against anything with her brother's best friend."

            "How do you know did you ask?"

            "Kind of."

            "Jesus." He rolls his eyes. "Getting rejected stings huh?"

            "Fuck off. But I think hiding the contract from her will not go over well, she'll find out eventually."

            "Listen she doesn't need to know at least not yet. If we need to tell her we will but I'm not planning on forcing her to do anything."

            "Alright I'm just warning you now the blowback could be astronomical."

            "Look at you using big words man." He says punching my arm.

            I groan at replaying that in my head. Not telling her is a horrible idea. Fuck, and then this goddamn hard on I have I need to get rid of it and there is only one way I can. I get out of bed and walk out of my room and right to the door of the room Vanessa is staying in. For a second, I debate knocking but I can hear the faint sound of whatever she is watching. Opening the door, she doesn't look up she is focused on her phone. I am going to need to teach her at being aware of her surroundings. I walk over to her and stand above her; she finally looks up with the biggest eyes. I grab the phone out of her hands press the lock button and put it on the end table. Then I close the laptop and the sound of whatever she was watching going away and I put that under the phone on the end table.

            "Mateo." She softly and breathlessly says. "What are you-" I put a finger over her lips to quiet her. 

            "You really need to be better about knowing your surroundings sweetheart." I whisper.

            "I didn't think I needed to when you were right next door." She responds quietly.

             "I thought your uncle trained you."

            "Yeah, in some fighting techniques and some shooting but not enough for me to be an expert."

            I let out a laugh. "I guess I'll need to train you." I lean down a place a soft kiss on her lips.

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