Chapter 25

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I have kids, two of them and they are the cutest things I've ever seen, outside of their mom of course. After their nap the rest of the day Vanessa shows me the basics of taking care of them. I can see it written all over her how stressed she's been and it's all my fault. Today has showed me just how much I've missed Julian will not let me hold him without crying and Vanessa tells me he'll warm up to me. But what If I missed too much?

We have dinner and after putting the kids to sleep in their nursery I decide I need a shower. Vanessa heads back down stairs to clean up. Jumping in the shower in our bedroom I notice not much has changed. Everything of mine is in the same spot, my cologne, body wash, everything she didn't move a thing. Wanting to get back down stairs quickly I jump in the shower and rinse off the sweat and grim from the day. Walking out of the shower I throw on some grey sweatpants in the same drawer as I left them.

I walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen. Vanessa has just about cleaned up everything in record time. I couldn't have been up there more than 10 minutes. Walking up behind her I put my hands on her waist and she slightly jumps, before I can move my hands across her stomach, she moves my hands back.

"Hey you cleaned up fast in here." I whisper in her ear.

"Yeah, well I'm against the clock."

"What do you mean?"

"Before one of them wakes up." She points upstairs.

"Ohh so anything I can help with?"

"I'm going to clean up the living room next if you just want to hang out on the couch."

"I'm not hanging out on the couch I'm going to help you."

"Okay." She walks away into the living room where we spent most of the day. I got to hear most of everything about her pregnancy and how the twins were born early and needed to be in the NICU. They are also hitting all of the milestones they should be. We silently start picking up the toys and cleaning out the playpen, I had no idea babies could make such a mess.

"What?" I ask her as she stops and looks at me.

"Nothing. I don't think you were planning on doing this your first day home."

I stand up and walk over to her. "No but this is exactly where I want to be." I whisper, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "It's getting late we should head to bed."

"Okay." She whispers back. Grabbing her hand, I lead her up the stairs to our bedroom.

Leading her into the master bedroom I walk her over to the bed. Grabbing the edge of her blue t shirt I pull it up and over her head.

"I should probably shower I stink." She says.

"If you want but you don't stink trust me you look perfect."

She snickers. "I promise I will only be in there for 10 minutes max. I mastered the art of fast showering."

"I'll hold you to that." I kiss her forehead and she all but runs to the bathroom. Either she really does think she need to shower or for another reason. Almost on cue of her shutting the bathroom door. The sound of one of the babies crying comes through the baby monitor, then a second one. Taking a deep breath, I leave the room and walk down the hall to the nursey.

Opening the door to the nursery, I pause and exhale a deep breath. I can do this. Looking at the cribs I start to slightly freak out. "You can do this." I mutter to myself. Staring down at both cribs, I brace my hands on the side one hand on each crib. "Alright you two who was making all that noise?" I say to the both of them. Victoria makes a sound that seems like a giggle but isn't. Julian just stares at me like I'm a cramping his style. Same bro, I guess you're cramping my style of going to bed. Julian starts to get fussy in his crib so I pick him and that is a bad choice instantly when he begins wailing.

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