Chapter 2

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Holy shit, no way. No fucking way. I mean we all heard rumors that Antonio had a secret girlfriend after his wife died and maybe had a kid. But no one believed it considering he never explicitly said it himself. He didn't even tell his actual kid so why would anyone believe it. He was gone for three years and when he returned, he sent his best friend out to the West Coast to take care of something but that guy hasn't been around in over twenty years. since then Antonio went on a rampage going after anyone who breathed wrong around him until he was shot and killed two years ago by the Russians.

"Dude you saw her right?" Gabe asks as we drive away from the hospital.

"Yeah, I did." I respond.

"Do we tell Gino?"

"I think we have to, but we need to look into it a bit more before telling him because we can't be like 'look man we think you have a sister or something' he would kill us both if were not right."

"I know man. You thought she was hot huh?"

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I saw the way you looked at her to be honest I'm not into redheads. So, you can have her," he says smirking.

"Shut up asshole," I say punching him in the arm.

"I won't say anything to Gino, I promise, you guys have been friends and know each other way longer. So, it should be you who tells him."

"Gee thanks man." I say sarcastically. I drop Gabe off at his place and then drive over to mine. Thinking about how I might approach this with Gino if he really is related to this Vanessa girl.

I unlock the door to my apartment and walk in. As soon as I do my phone starts ringing and its Gino. I answer, "Hey man."

"Hey, you alright I heard there was a pretty bad shootout and Alonso got hit," Gino responds.

"Yeah, he did he's at Summerstone General right now."

"Alright, come by the house in a few hours I have another job I need you to look into."

"You got it I'll be by at eight."

"Please do and take a shower I don't want you stinking up my house." He snorts.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever man."

"See you in a bit."

"See ya" I hang up the phone.

Gino and I have been friends since we both I n diapers he is two years older but my father was one his father's top Lieutenants so it made sense for us to become friends since we would eventually be by each other's sides. Gino is a hard ass like his dad but not a much of a killer. For the last two years he has been tirelessly working on ways for us to negotiate with other mafia families. But that hasn't been going to well.

After his mother was killed when he was four, my mother and father became second parents to Gino as he stayed with us while his dad was gone. When Antonio returned, he was even worse and more pissed. Antonio died two years ago everyone thought Gino would go on an all-out war against them. But as surprise to everyone but me he didn't.

I decide to jump in the shower and wash off the blood from the shootout, then I'll start researching Vanessa Esposito. Now that I'm alone I can think about how beautiful she is with her scrubs on and no makeup. Generally, I like girls who are all dolled up but she looks different almost goddess like. She had her hair in a bun on the top of her head and the confidence of her made her more attractive.

After getting out of the shower I go over to my laptop and start looking her up. She has an Instagram and a Facebook. Her Facebook profile is a graduation picture of her, Kevin and I'm guessing his wife Lucy. Her Facebook is pretty private so I hop over to her Instagram and jackpot. There isn't any photos of her and Antonio but plenty of her doing things she clearly loves.

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