Chapter 8

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The sun starts poking through the window right in line with the couch to when I open my eyes I have to squint. I smirk thinking about overhearing Vanessa last night moaning in her room and taking a shower. Pretty sure she thinks I was asleep but it was incredibly hot hearing her masturbate it made my cock swell.

            Reminding myself I can't just fuck her right away or get with her right away I need to slowly get her to trust me. Don't get me wrong keeping the whole marriage contract thing a secret sucks but it could really have her hate everyone if she thinks that's the only reason Gino is cool with her being around. I grab my phone and see its shortly before 7am, I sit up and grab some dark navy pants and a white button-down shirt and head into the bathroom to change.

            After changing I walk out of the bathroom and see Vanessa standing in the kitchen making some coffee. "I didn't think you'd be up so early."

            "I heard you moving around so I thought I get up and make some coffee." She says handing me a cup. "The cream is in the fridge and the sugar is right there." Pointing at a small white container. Since its brighter I really look around her apartment and it looks like an interior design magazine in here.

            "I'm good with black coffee thank you though."

            I start walking towards the couch to get my laptop out and she asks. "Are you hungry? I have some bagels if you want one."

            "Thanks, but I'm good for now." She grabs her cup of coffee and heads back to her room I'm guessing to either sleep or watch something I didn't see a tv when I glanced in there so she probably watches something on a laptop. I sit down on the couch open up my laptop and open up my email. We are negotiating a deal to build a new development of an office building we hope eventually will become an office for us to work out of. I think Gino is getting sick of everyone working in his dining room or his home office.

            I see an email from Dan Mitchell the real estate agent saying we are close but I need to give him a call. Great, that doesn't sound good, he sent the email before 7 so I think if I called him now, he'd answer. After two rings he picks up, "Dan Mitchell."

            "Hey Dan it's Mateo you told me to call?"

            "Yeah, um listen they are getting close to accepting the offer but they got another one late last night they want to review."

            "What's the likelihood of whoever submitted it getting it?"

            "Highly unlikely, but there's still a chance."

            "Great thanks for telling."

            "Yeah, no problem, if we close this it should be all done by the end of the week."

            "Alright I'll talk to you later. Thanks again Dan."

            "No problem, talk soon."

            I spend the next hour reviewing legal documents and submitting requests. When I went to law school there were moments, I wanted to spite everyone and focus on something like entertainment. But decided against after my father died, I realized I needed to stay on path and what I was I becoming a lawyer for. My phone starts vibrating and I look down and it's Gino calling.

            "Hey Gino."

            "Hey man how's Vanessa?"

            "She's good I think, she's been in her room all morning. I'm good to by the way."

The Lawyer (Book 1 of the New York Brotherhood Series)Where stories live. Discover now