Chapter 13

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I normally don't sleep at night anymore. But tonight, I slept for a few hours after some of the best sex of my life. I wake up the warmth of Mateo right next to me, still with his arm over my waist.

If someone told me a week ago this is where I would be and what I would be doing I would have laughed in their face. If sex feels like this every time than I will be doing it a lot more often. Lying in bed next to him makes me feel something inside I haven't felt before. I can see the hint of the sunrise peeking through the window, looking at my phone I notice its almost 7 in the morning and that's when I decide to get out of bed.

I grab the first thing that feels like a shirt and I put it on. I realize its Mateo's and it smells like him; it smells like fresh pine with the hint smell of his cologne. Walking out to the living room I turn on the tv softly to have some background noise. I walk around his all-white kitchen, that is very minimalistic and almost too clean. Quietly I open up different cabinets to find what I am looking for. I find coffee grounds and some pans. People have breakfast after sex right? At least they do in the movies.

Starting the coffee, I head over to the stove and start heating up a pan. Opening the fridge, I see that there are some eggs I can cook up. I add some butter to the pan and start cooking.

I feel warm hands come around my waist and I feel a soft kiss on the back of head. Then the groggy voice of someone whispers in my ear. "If I knew you were going to make breakfast, I would have done more last night."

A smile spreads across my face. "Well don't expect anything too good I'm not a very good cook."

"I don't care, I've never had someone make me breakfast before."


"I mean as an adult, my mom made me breakfast when I was a kid." he places a kiss on my cheek and let's go of my waist. He walks over to the cabinet and grabs two cups and pours us both coffees. He slides one of the cups over to me. "Do you want any cream or sugar with that?"

"No I'm good."

"I like you even more now, to be honest I have neither of those things," He lets out a soft laugh. I look over at him and roll my eyes. He turns around and lean against the counter sipping his coffee.

I look over at him and he is in his gray sweatpants and no shirt and I can see his body in full view now. His dark skin and ripped abs are in full view and the tattoo on his ribs is perfectly placed. The veins of his arms come into view as he takes sips from his coffee. Truly how often does this man workout.

Putting the eggs on two plates, I hand him one. He starts eating while I move over to one of the barstools. Mateo hasn't moved he starts eating against the counter, I look up at him and ask "are you going to sit down?"

"No, why would I if I have this view." He smiles. "I need to be in my office most of the day working on some contracts and property reviews. So if you need anything just knock. I know you have a shift tonight so I'll make sure to as quiet as possible so you can sleep."

"Ok sounds good." I respond. He finishes his plate of food and puts his plate in the dish washer and cleans up the pan and spatula I used. He walks over to me and places a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm going to shower and change, then head into my office. Would you like to join me?"

"Join you?"

"In the shower."


"Like I said I don't bite. It'll be fun," He grabs my empty plate and coffee mug and puts them in the dishwasher. He walks back over to me and grabs my hand. "Come on." I follow him down the hallway into his room.

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