Chapter 19

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The last month have been the most relaxed few weeks I have felt in a long time. Vanessa has moved into my room and we have built the best system of fucking and sleeping. The more time I spend with her the more I want to see her as a mother, a mother of my children. I decided that needed to start in a sense. I know she isn't ready for it but the first step is having a home that is best for a family.

That's where we are today, moving into our new home right next to Gino. The house has been a property I have had for a few years for when I eventually got married. It's a huge home that some would consider a mansion. The six bedrooms and bathrooms seems excessive but as an Italian you are almost expected to have more kids than you think you can.

When I told Vanessa about the house, she was more than excited to not be living in an apartment and being able to create a space she could feel like she owned. Walking into the foyer to my right is the formal dining area I hope one day we will be hosting large family dinners instead of always going to Gino's. To the left is the formal living room we'll probably never use, her words not mine. Walking down the hallway I hear the soft music; I've learned Vanessa loved slowed and reverbed versions of songs.

I spent most of the day carrying in boxes of our things. Neither of us have too much stuff since we both lived in something vastly smaller than this house. The guys have all left and we will be meeting at Gino's later for dinner, which we plan to have a family dinner weekly with everyone now being so close to each other.

For a moment I stop just to look at her, she's in the kitchen putting away dishes in the cabinets. She spent the day with Juliet buying things for the house from new dishes to furniture. When she came home it took everything in me not to grab her and take her in the hallway while everyone was there.

"Oh—hi," she says startled and turning around to look at me. She's wearing black yoga pants and a dark red t shirt that hugs her body perfectly. Her hair is in a high ponytail that is through a black baseball hat.

"Did I ever tell you how good you look today?"

"You may have this morning." She winks at me. That morning than enough time telling her how beautiful she looked naked in bed.

Walking over to her I cup her face in my hands and give her a hungry kiss. "I've been wanting to do that all day."

"Why didn't you?"

"Gino would have killed me."

"He does realize were married right? Like he's the one who basically had us get married."

"I know but he is also trying to catch up in being your brother." I kiss her forehead. "I was thinking we could order pizza and just relax since it is your day off."

"Works for me."

"I have a few things to catch up on, I'm going to head to my office but I'll be done in an hour or so." I kiss her softly again; my office is next to the kitchen the space has large windows that cover the wall looking out to the side yard of the house. I open the French doors into the space, and immediately see the boxes of law books I need to put on shelves and my computer not setup. I guess I'll spend half my time setting it up.

I knew it had been more than an hour when Vanessa walked into the office with a pizza box and a bottle of wine in her hand. "You got a lot done in here." She says as she walks in. I have already setup my desk and put away most of the books I had in boxes.

I look up from my desk giving her a smile. "Has it already been an hour?"

"It's been a little longer than that."

The Lawyer (Book 1 of the New York Brotherhood Series)Where stories live. Discover now