Chapter 26

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I smell bacon, my favorite. Wait why do I smell bacon? I pry open my eyes and the bright sun hits my face, squinting my eyes I look at the clock on my night stand and its nearly eight. Shit, the twins they are probably losing it right now. Quickly getting out of bed I start to make my way down the hall to their bedroom. Peaking inside they aren't there and then I hear a deep laugh coming from downstairs.

Walking down the stairs I stop looking into the living I see Mateo sitting on the couch watching tv and he is holding a baby. Well one of our babies, but still since he came home, he has been the doting father I knew he would be. Taking a second to look at him I can see in the change in his body he notices me behind him.

Turning his head around, he puts on a wide smile. "Good morning." He says.

"Good morning. Busy?"

"You know just getting all the details from the last year from these two." Looking between Julian and Victoria.

"Oh, and what have they been telling you?"

"Just that their mother has been doing a lot by herself and they want her to take a break. If she wants to of course."

"Wow they told you all that?"

"Yeah, they also said you haven't had breakfast made for you in a while. So I thought I'd do that for you."

Walking over to him I place a thankful kiss on his lips. "You could have woken me up to help."

"Nah you were out and I think we did pretty good on our own this morning." He stares down at the babies on the couch with him. "I also made some bacon and eggs they are staying warm on the stove."

If you could fall in love with someone all over again, I would be right now. "Did you eat yet?"

"No I was waiting for you." He smiles at me. Standing up he lifts Victoria with him. Leaning down over the couch I grab Julian in my arms. Following Mateo into the kitchen. He grabs both plates filled with bacon, eggs and an English muffin. He places one plate on the counter and grabs the other and places it next to the other.

I sit down in front of the plates and he sits down next to me. With each of us holding a baby we quietly we begin eating. "How did you do this by yourself every day for the last three months?"

"Juliet, Gino and guys have been helping me with everything."

"Really everyone?"

"Yeah why?"

"No reason I just didn't know if everyone was going to help. What do you mean?"

"When I found out I was pregnant and you went missing I quit my job at the hospital to be home as much as possible. I was sitting around the house sulking and Alonso was the person who could get through to me. He listened to me complain, cry and get angry about you being gone. There were days where all I did was go to Gino's and sit at his dining room table while they tried to find you. He helped me put my focus on the kids and making sure I was healthy."

"Who knew Alonso gave a shit about my kids."

I snicker at the comment. "Well yeah he's their uncle I mean all the guys are."

"I feel so out of touch from everything that has happened."

"You shouldn't. Everyone has helped and they will keep helping even though your back."

The Lawyer (Book 1 of the New York Brotherhood Series)Where stories live. Discover now