Chapter 1

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Two years later

"Uncle Kevin, Aunt Lucy," I yell out as I unlock the door to their apartment.

"I'm in here sweetie," Aunt Lucy calls from the kitchen. Aunt Lucy has been like a mom to me since I was two, she was my nanny until I was old enough to not need one. She is beautiful with her tan skin and long dark almost black hair; I know I never passed as her daughter considering she's Cuban and I'm well not but she was the closest thing I had.

"Hi auntie," I mumble as I walk around the island to kiss her on the cheek. "Where is Uncle Kevin?" I walk to the fridge and grab a soda and sit at the bar on the other side of the island.

"He had to run some errands."

"Where to I could have helped on my way over."

"Ahh it's nothing sweetheart."

"Have you heard from him yet?" I ask in reference to my father it's been two years and he still hasn't called or messaged or even sent an enforcer or whatever their called to tell me to come home.

"No, we hasn't," she turns around to look at me now "I know you wish he would call, Vanessa but I don't know where he is or what he is doing."

"Uncle Kevin is his best friend why won't he just tell him he doesn't actually want me around. Not like he really tried before."

"Vanessa, you know the agreement he made with your mother."

"I know." My father promised my mother he would not drag me into anything outside of what I wanted to do. But he hasn't given me the choice in anything yet, he hasn't even seen me since I was 19.

"Your father doesn't want to break a promise to a woman he loved."

"I know auntie but why does he have to hide from me? I should find out where he lives and see him for myself."

"That is not a great idea."

"I know it's not the best idea but we've been here for two years and he hasn't even contacted you or Uncle Kevin."

She gives me a sad look, "your father asked us to take care of you because he knew we wouldn't share anything we weren't supposed to about this world."

"Have you kept anything from me?"

"I- you know I can't answer that."

"I know you have hidden things from me but why not tell me I mean it's not like he'll coming running if you tell me secrets."

"Vanessa there are some secrets that your father needs to tell you not me or your Uncle Kevin."

"Why doesn't he just show up and tell me 'Vanessa, I didn't actually want you'."

"Vanessa, you know he doesn't feel that way."

"Then why hasn't he come to my apartment we all know he bought for me or the hospital where I work. He has to know where I am at all times right?"

"I'm not really sure about that, your Uncle Kevin says he hasn't seen anyone around or watching you."

"That proves my theory he doesn't actually care about me."

"Yes, he does."

"How do you know? I mean honestly no contact after I did the one thing he asked."

"Vanessa look at me, I am going to tell you this once and only once. Your father has spent his adult life caring for you and the others he loves. He will do anything to protect them or care for them. Even if that means he can't be here in the flesh every second." She looks at me with tears in her eyes, like she knows something more than she's saying. "Kevin would have told you anything he knows. So far, he hasn't been told anything, even he finds it interesting no one has been following you or watching you."

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