Chapter 22

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The last three days have been hell. I convinced Gino to let me stay back at my house after one night at his house because of my work schedule and I haven't been feeling well. Not feeling well as in vomiting like crazy and barely eating. I think its stress considering no one has heard from Mateo in three days. Gino says he probably didn't have service or WIFI but I could see the fear in his eyes when I asked him yesterday.

Feeling a little better than I did the last few days I decide not to call in sick again to work. Alonso is now my partner going to the hospital. I walk out of the house and Alonso is leaning against his car on his phone.

"Hey Alonso." I say, a little chipper since I feel like I need to show I'm not feel like shit in more ways than one.

"Hey Ness." He responds with a small grin. "You ready."


"Let's head out." He opens the passenger door for me to get into his SUV. He walks around the front of the car and hops into the front seat. Starting the car he is silent for the first few minutes for someone who talks a decent amount.

A few minutes have passed and we are about to be on the highway when he starts talking. "I know your freaking out about Mateo, we all are. Gino has been busting his ass nonstop looking for him. He has barely been sleeping talking to god knows who and trying to figure out where he is."

At first, I thought he may be lost his phone or forgotten it at the hotel, after the first day of not hearing from him everyone started to get a little weary of where he could be. Gino sent Gabe and Drew to Italy to figure out where he was. I still don't know where all this money is coming from btu if it gets Mateo back, I'll be happy regardless.

I start to feel sick again and am second guessing going into work today. "Hey can you pull over I feel like I'm going to be sick."

"Uh yeah. Are you okay you don't look good Ness?"

"I don't feel great." As soon as he pulls over, I jump out of the car and vomit all over the grass. "Well, this is embarrassing."

"Here." He hands me a bottle of water and a napkin.


"Do you know what could be going on. You said you've been sick the last few days."

"It's probably just stress or a stomach bug."

"Do you think you could be pregnant?"

"Umm doubtful."

"Why do you say doubtful."

"Umm TMI but I was on birth control until very recently."

"But still possible right?"

"I mean I guess, but doubt it."

"Okay. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, lets go."

The rest of the drive was quiet. I spent the entire time thinking about what Alonso said. The possibility of me being pregnant was slim. I remember them saying in nursing school it can take up to six months for a person's body to be fully regulated after going off of birth control and I had been off of it barely 2 months. I went off of it after the conversation in the diner about kid names, Mateo decided to blurt out. Before you think I didn't tell him, I did we both agreed it would probably take a few months before I'd get pregnant.

We pull into the garage of the hospital. Alonso breaks the silence "I'll hang out in the lobby for a bit then hang out in the car." We get out of the car. As we walk to the front of the emergency room. "Listen Ness if you need anything let me know, okay?"

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