Chapter 6

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A Few Hours Earlier

After Lucy and Kevin arrive, Gino, Kevin, Drew, Gabe, Jake, Marco and I all head into the library. "So, boys had a bit of a scuffle today I, see?" Kevin asks us.

"Yeah," Gino responds.

"So, tell me does the shooting happen often at this house or no? Cause I am going to need to know what I got Vanessa into."

"No, it doesn't, not often at least," I respond.

"Well, that settles that. So now that you know Vanessa exists Gino what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, what do you think I should do?"

"I think you need to trust her first of all and let her help you anyway she wants to. But you have to have someone with her at all times."

"Yeah, I am going to have Mateo with her," He says while looking at me.

"Good. Now what do you want to know from the last 20 years."

Gino begins to ask questions about Vanessa's upbringing her training. She knows how to fight in karate, mixed martial arts and judo. She is a trained specialist when it comes to knives and she knows how to shoot a gun. But Kevin tells us she is not a fan of guns so she focused on knives. She was a straight A student and a star athlete. She went to Utah State on an academic scholarship. So she's smart and athletic.

He says not to expect her to just listen to every command she needs to know why you're asking. He taught her to question and be opinionated just in case her father didn't need her help as much as possible.

"Your father didn't want her to be follower that was the one thing he told me. Don't have her just follow let her lead, let her decide in the end what she wants."

"Why did he want that for her?" Gino asks.

"When he was with her mother, she didn't know he was a part of this until she was dying and he wanted to tell her the truth. He lived in a fantasy away from his issues with her for almost 3 years before she died. Alicia made him promise her he wouldn't force Vanessa into this. But when Vanessa was 16, he asked her to one day work for him.

Vanessa knows that your father was a part of the mafia but didn't know the extent. So, when he asked, she said yes thinking it was a duty thing. After she graduated college, we all came to New York and she started working at the hospital to gain experience before your father needed her. We all know that didn't happen but she would have come the second someone called her." Well damn, she was just waiting for a dead man to call her no wonder her smile never reached her eyes.

"I don't doubt that Kevin but how do we know no one knows who she is."

"I am not sure; I mean your father specifically stayed away from her so people wouldn't find out until he was ready."

"Well, it's odd the day she finds things out and comes over, someone attacks us in the one way no one is supposed to."

"It's odd but it seems to be a coincidence for now but I'll look into it further. I still know some people," he winks as he leaves the room.

"So, what do we do?" Drew asks as soon as Kevin leaves the room.

"We figure it out, but first we eat dinner then we plan. Mateo after dinner take Vanessa home and stay with her like we planned."

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