Chapter 10

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She runs into her bedroom so fast it makes me let out a low laugh. Well, this might be more fun to break her out of her shell. She's clearly scared to open up to anyone, and I have no idea why. I also hate it so fucking much, Antonio basically making decisions for her didn't help much in the confidence department.

            After giving her a few minutes to change her mind and come back out. I walk over to her room and pause at her door, giving a soft knock. I don't hear her moving around to answer the door. Every worst fear comes to my mind. After waiting a few seconds, I turn the knob and its unlocked. I slowly walk in into her room fully expecting her to be in bed and fully ready to have her try and kick me out. But she isn't here, for a second, I frantically look around the room and then I notice the curtains move in the wind. The sliding glass door is open and the crisp March New York air hits me. I walk over to the door as she comes into view. She is sitting on an outdoor love seat curled up in an oversized Utah State sweatshirt just starring out into the water and the city lights.

            I softly approach hoping not to scare her. I open the door large enough for me to fit through. She looks up at me with large eyes that are red and irritated, clearly she has been crying. Shit did I do that.

            "Hey you alright?" I ask.

            "Yeah I'm fine." She softly sniffles.

            "What's wrong? Don't take this the wrong way but I hope you're not crying because of me."

            "I'm not, I get that your just being nice and doing your job. Please don't pity me."

            "Why would I pity you."

            "Umm-." She pauses for a second, looking down. "To be honest I have no idea why I'm crying, I haven't done this in a long time." She lets out a soft giggle. "And no one has called me hot before." She moves her gaze up at me starring directly at me.

            "Are you serious." Raising my voice, a little too much more than I thought I would. I can tell also by the flinch she makes when I do it. I walk over to sit next to her on the love seat. "Vanessa, believe me when I tell you this you are beautiful, drop dead gorgeous." She looks at me like I'm saying it just to make her feel better. I grab her face and move it so she is looking right at me. "Like I said gorgeous." She gives me a soft smile. Before she can rebuttal I lean in and kiss her with a hunger I didn't before. I'm being slightly aggressive on purpose to get the point across that she is way too attractive for anyone not to call her hot before. I move my hands to her neck, while she moved her hand holding on to my shirt for stability so tight that I think she may rip it. I move my left hand down to her collarbone, she jumps ever so slightly she tries to cover it up, but this is clearly a sensitive spot for her. I think about what if I kissed and nipped that spot how would she feel.

            I lower my hands brushing over her breast which makes her have a very small hitch in her breath. I move my hands down to the bottom of her sweatshirt slightly tugging on it to see if she'll stop me. She moves her hands off of my shirt, I am fully prepared for her to tell me to stop. She breaks the kiss and looks at me for a second, she puts her hands on mine and slightly pushing them away. Great I went too far, before I know it, she is taking off her sweatshirt herself the cold air hits her skin and she immediately gets goosebumps.

            She's still wearing the gray t-shirt that hugs her frame perfectly. I didn't notice how low cut it was until now when I am this close and I can see her cleavage spilling out. "I don't think you realize what I want to do to you right now." I let out a low and slow growl.      

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