Chapter 27

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Vanessa walks right into Gino's house without a second thought. Clearly, they have gotten close over the last year because before she would knock anytime we had come over. The house is quiet almost too quiet again like yesterday.

"Wouldn't Juliet be cooking breakfast by now?" I ask.

"Probably but she's been coming over to our house every morning so she might cook it earlier in the morning now." She responds.

"Hey you two." We hear Gino call out from the top of the stairs. He's wearing sweatpants and no shirt. What the hell is happening? Normally you'd never see Gino without wearing at least slacks and a button down but here we are.

"Hey." Vanessa responds.

"Where's Juliet?" I ask.

"Uhh somewhere around here." Gino responds, is he blushing.

"She's probably upstairs cleaning something. You really need to give her break Gino." Vanessa tells him in a stern voice.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You tell me that every time you come over." Gino responds to her.

Juliet walks down the hall behind Gino, she hasn't been working unless she is now doing that is in pajamas. "Hi." She says, having a slight blush on her face. Definitely need to ask Gino about that later.

"We'll talk in my office." Gino says to me.

"I'll be right back." I look at Vanessa and she smiles at me.


Juliet and I walk past each other on the stairs. She whispers to me, "don't worry we took good care of her."

"Thanks." I smile at her and she walks the rest of the way down.

"Let's go into my office." Gino tells me.

"Alright could you at least put on a shirt."

He snorts. "Who knew you have become so bashful."

"Bullshit you know you would never be caught dead in that."

"A year ago, sure. But now I've realized I need to chill out more." He responds looking down the stairs to where Juliet and Vanessa are still standing.

I walk into Gino's office and it looks exactly the same, same desk, chairs and décor. But there is one thing I do notice that has changed, is all the paperwork piled onto his desk. Getting up I walk over to it and look down, noticing they are all contracts and legal paperwork I should have been handling. Wondering to myself if he has new lawyer since I've been gone for so long.

"Alright let's get to business." Gino calls out walking into his office.

"Thanks for putting on shirt." I snicker. I have never seen him dressed so casual this late in the day.

"What? This is my house you know."

"I know that you just never wear sweats and t-shirt when you're working."

"Like I said I need to chill out more."

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Mmmm okay whatever you say." I would bet it has something to so with the dark haired girl downstairs.

"Take a seat." He points to the seat across from his. "As you can see I have no fucking idea what I'm looking at but being that I took over all of the Russo's shit I need to make sure everything is transferred right."

The Lawyer (Book 1 of the New York Brotherhood Series)Where stories live. Discover now