Chapter 4

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After the fire fight stops, we all stare at each other not knowing what just happened. I look over at Drew and Gino and they seem to be good. But then I see Gino's face and he out for blood. "How the fuck did they get here?" Gino asks.

            "I mean this isn't Fort Knox," I respond.

            "I know but the rule is no one is to come to each other's homes."

            "What about the redhead?" Drew says.

            Before I stop anything, Gino is running downstairs and we follow right ton his tail. He flings open the door to the safe room and screams at Vanessa. "Did you tell anyone where you were going today?"

            "What no," Vanessa responds.

            "Come on," He pulls her up and walks her out of the safe room. Drew slamming the door we can hear the faint sound of Juliet trying to open it.

            Gino drags her up to his office and has Drew zip tie her to the chair in his office. We all walk out and Gino walks downstairs to the bar and gets a drink. He pours us both drinks as well.

            "How long are you going to keep her up there? Or Juliet in the saferoom?" I ask.

            "Not long," He sighs. "I don't think Vanessa had anything to do with this but I have to be sure. As for Juliet, I just need her to stay there and be safe."

            Gino grabs his cell phone and dials. "Uncle Kevin. I need you to tell me who Vanessa Esposito is and don't spare any details," For about 10 minutes Kevin and Gino go back and forth before Gino ends the call "Thanks uncle Kevin, you and aunt Lucy should come by tonight for dinner."

            Gino turns to us, "Vanessa wasn't lying but I want to ask her a few questions to make sure it's her number one and to make sure she didn't tell anyone she was coming. Uncle Kevin was surprised she even got here as fast as she did," Drew and I both shake our heads and we follow him up the stairs to his office.

            Before we enter, he turns, "Drew stay behind her, Mateo you stand next to me since she knows your face, she trusts you even if it's a tiny bit."

            "Do you think she would really do a long con, it said she's worked at that hospital for two years? Someone would notice if a different person pretended to be her." I ask.

            "I doubt it but the timing is really weird that's all I'm saying."

            Drew hangs back by the door as Gino and I walk forward. She's clearly been crying. Gino starts the talking "Vanessa do you understand why I think you have something to do with this?"

            She nods and shakily responds, "Yes."

            "I am going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer them. If you answer correct then we'll untie you. But if you don't well, you'll probably die but let's not let it get to that." She nods, "So, sis when's your birthday?"

            "January 17th."

            "Correct," I look over at him, I know what he's doing he's going to start easy then get harder the more questions he asks. "What are your parents' names?"

            "Antonio Esposito and Alicia Andrews."

            "Correct again. So was your mom a stripper or something?"

            She looks right at him almost wanting to punch him, "No, she was a teacher."

"Right again. How many state championships did you win for cross country?"

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