Chapter 23

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

That's the sound I've been hearing for weeks, water dripping from a pipe about 15 feet from me. It's been 104 days since I've been here. 104 that's how many days I've been in this fucking room, everyday one guy walks in with food and water. Not that long after Lorenzo walks in to let's call it question me. I wait for it every day at this point knowing it will be the same questions over and over. They are hoping I crack say something I shouldn't. I am pretty sure by now they have to know that we didn't do the raid but they are clearly getting something to keep me alive.

Right on cue, Lorenzo walks in. He's cut me, burned me, and nothing has worked so far. He's got a smirk on his face this time. Fucking great he's only got that when Gino and the guys have listened to their demands. It's pretty clear its money and drugs they want to make up from what they lost. Rolling in his tray again with the knifes and tools he's been using he's got a phone with him this time. Fucking awesome. Before he starts the cutting this time, he grabs the phone and snaps a few pictures. Types something and putting the phone back on the tray.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"To show your boys you're still alive."

"So I'm guessing they gave into your demands. Or you finally gave into one of theirs."

"Now you know that's not the only reason I'm here." He smirks. Grabbing one of the knifes he stalks over to me. "Going back to what we talked about yesterday, why did you become a lawyer?"

"I told you because I wanted to. I wasn't forced or told I had to."

"You are good with a gun and fighting. I've been told from the Russians who you know that you're an excellent fighter. Why would Antonio or Gino want you to be a lawyer unless you were to do more than legal work? Hmm that could be your in."

This fucking guy thinks I'm an assassin or at least be trained to be one. "I went to Columbia for law I doubt they would send me there for me being a lawyer to be a cover."

"Well, I beg to differ. You see your father was Antonio's best friend and your Gino's best friend. They would send you in the best schools."

"You keep telling yourself that." Then the knife hits my leg and I scream. I know he knows where my arteries are and he makes sure he doesn't hit them. Vanessa taught me there is seven places on the body if cut you will die in seven seconds. At this point I know Lorenzo know them since he hasn't come close to them. He counties to cut and stab me but not deep enough for me to pass out. This time I count eight places he's cut me one on my left leg, one on each arm on the bicep, three on my stomach, and three on my back. Before he leaves, he throws some antiseptic and gauze at me.

Once he leaves, I start repairing myself as best I can. Grabbing some gauze, I pour antiseptic on it and start to dab the different cuts hoping this will be enough for them to not get infected. I can't waste precious water so I walk over to the leaky pipe and wet some of my shirt to clean the rest of the dirt in the cuts and the cuts and wounds I already had before today. Every time I do this I think of Vanessa and hoping she isn't just sitting at Gino's trying to convince him for her to come look for me. Knowing her she probably has tried every day since they realized I was gone.

Every day I am in this room I think about her and everything I wish I could do and say. I also wondering what she's doing and thinking. Thinking about the life we may never have, and the life we may have if I come home. We both wanted similar things, kids, good jobs, a pretty much relaxed lifestyle. But now I doubt we'll ever see that; this whole situation has been a rigid dick. I'm pissed at Gino beyond, I don't know if I will ever be able to look at him the same. He didn't listen to anyone, everyone including Juliet told him sending me alone with no backup was a bad idea. But here we are and who knows if he's even really trying to find me, he's probably following their demands for Vanessa's sake not mine.

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