Chapter 18

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Sitting in the car I debate just pulling Mateo in and kissing him, but I don't. I need to make him work for it since I can't look easy or willing to just do everything he wants. I sit there silently contemplating almost every decision I have made so far since figuring all of these things out. Damn I want him. I want him bad.

Pulling me from my thoughts I hear his voice but don't understand what he says. "What did you say?" I respond.

"I asked if you were hungry," he responds chucking.

"Uhh—yeah I guess I could eat."

"Let's go get something then come on," he says opening his door and getting out of the car. I follow suit by starting to open the door, before I can fully open it its almost yanked out of my hand by Mateo grabbing the door.

"I guess chivalry isn't dead." I mutter. He lets out short laugh. "I should probably change before we eat."

"Nah you look great."

"Thanks, I guess. But I probably smell."

"You don't. Come on." He grabs my hand and leads me down the stairs of the garage and into the city street. We walk about a block before finding a diner. We walk in and sir in a booth. A young blonde waitress comes up to our table ignoring me completely and looks directly at Mateo.

"Can I get you something to drink?" the waitress asks in her fake overly high pitched voice.

"Can I get a coffee?" Mateo responds.

"Sure thing." She responds and she is about to walk away.

"Are you going to ask my wife what she wants?" He says without hesitation. Wife. He just said that.

The waitress looks over at me and her smile drops. "What can I get you?"

"Coffee is fine as well. Thanks."

"Yeah." She says and walks away.

"She's going to be an ass to us the entire time, isn't she?" I ask looking at Mateo.

"Probably but she'll get over it. You can't ignore my wife and get away with it."

"You've called me your wife twice in less than a minute. Interesting." I let out a laugh.

"How is it interesting, you are my wife."

"I know I just didn't think you would be totally okay with it all."

"Okay with what?"

"Being married to me having to basically be told you have to."

"I don't see any issue with it. I do understand your still mad about me not telling you. Again not to make myself look worse but I was told not to tell you."

"I know like I said I'm not mad about it anymore but I'm not going to let you off easy." I wink at him.

"Can this breakfast be a first step in my apology campaign?"

"Campaign? Are you a politician now?"

"No but maybe one day?"

"Oh—lovely I married a guy who wants to be the next mayor?"

"God no, I don't what that shit." He laughs. A different waitress comes by and drops off our coffees and takes our order. Clearly the first waitress was at our table for a specific reason.

The Lawyer (Book 1 of the New York Brotherhood Series)Where stories live. Discover now