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I'm here

K just lemme get pass Micheal

Bru these ain't escape the beast


"Where are u going" I heard th voice behind me say I turn to not see Michael I say griffin " to get food" I say " there's food in the fridge" griffin states "ya but-" I was cut off by griffin " it's not safe for a 17 year old to be going out at 2 in the morning especially alone if u get hurt or kidnapped or worse bryce and the rest of us wouldn't know what to do" griffin said softly " I get what u mean but I'm not going alone and I'm not as helpless as you all may think" I say just wanting to get food " I never said u were helpless and who are u going with better not be a guy" griffin says growing more serious "jaden" I say " ok that's fine but turn on your location for me so I know where u are and I can find u" griffin said "fine" once I turned on my location I was aloud to leave.
I ran to jadens car since it was cold once I got into the car I  wiggled in the warm seat as jaden laughed at me " happy I turned on your seat warmer" he says as he pulls out of the driveway I nodded " did josh tell u about Caleb coming to stay with us for a bit " jaden says looking at me then back at the empty road " he mentioned it but I wasn't listening" I say " I'll just tell u what we know so Caleb is one of joshes friends from home and since josh isn't going back to Canada any time soon he is flying him out" jaden said " ok" I say not really caring if u want being honest " so Buttercup"jaden says with a laugh "shut up" I say " how's music going" jaden asked " you see me ever day at the studio" I say looking at the black haired boy "I mean like any new songs" he asks looking at me "ya but there all about Marcus or other exes" I say " I'd love to hear them some time" jaden says " ya I don't know your still kinda spooky" I say trying to change the subject since I don't like talking about myself " your still scared of me" jaden asked " hundred percent" I say as we both laugh " so what do u want to eat" jaden asks " I don't care u pick" I say as jaden just nods. I had gotten a text


Word don't describe the hatred I have for u. Mads is better then u ever were and let me tell u I don't in the slightest way miss u or feel sorry for cheating on you through are whole relationship.
Fuck u

I didn't respond to it nor care he's not in my life any more and he never will be " everything alright" jaden says looking at me " uh ya just Marcus" I say not knowing why i would tell him that "don't waste your time on him he won't change no matter what u says or dose don't put yourself through that understand" jaden stated before my phone started blowing up once more


Peyton is fucking crazy and always has been I don't regret cheating on her with mads I've never been happier

Tweeted 1 minute ago

Peyton hall

Guys I'm not crazy just Latina 🤪 there a difference also u prefer the term hot head but yk what ever rows your boat

Tweeted 2 seconds ago

After that I just put my phone down and turned it on silent

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