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Bryces pov

Me and the guys had just gotten back from saddle ranch it was so fun whenever we go out to eat were never on are phones because we're always on them. We went into the kitchen were we say a note from pey

I'm going back Maryland for a bit I just need some time to figure out Me ans what I want so for not saying anything before it was a last minute thing.

Love peyton

We knew that it was probably about jaden and jden felt bad I knew he did he's normally a happy upbeat person especially around us but he wasn't when we saw the note I knew that his intentions weren't to hurt her he'd never hurt someone intentionally especially peyton. "U guys are back did u see the song" Micheal said cheerfully we listened to the song "she's so dramatic like God made cuz she doesn't have a dad right caleb" he said bursting out laughing "she's not dramatic she's hurt can u get out of your head for to fucking seconds and don't talk about her like that ya she doesn't have a dad around who gives a shit u had a dad around about look how u turned out compared to her she as more talent and potential in her picky then u do in your whole body" jaden yelled at Micheal "alot for u you say when she wrote the song about u" Micheal said looking jaden up and down "alot for me to say no I'm a good fucking person that knows when someone takes something to far especially about some I love" jaden yelled "ya love whatever that means to u" Caleb said "and u shut the fuck up you bitter that pey doesn't feel anything for u not my fault that u can't take a fuck hint so don't talk about her like that" jaden yelled.

Jaden rarely raised him voice he normally talked in a normally yet assertive manner the last time I heard jaden yell was the night everything happened with Aaron. "Jaden shut the fuck up your the reason peyton went home so don't take your anger out on us it's not micheals fault u can't keep your dick in your pants. Maybe thats why u and bryce get along so well since all u two care about is fucking" Caleb yelled, jaden knew Caleb was right he's a reason she left "u don't think I know that. I'm trying to make this right ok" jaden said before walkingnout to front door and to his car.

Jadens pov

I knew what I had to do I had to go to Maryland to apologize. I was the problem but I didn't need Micheal and Caleb to tell me over and over again. I packed 2 weeks worth of clothes I also grabbed my shower shit and everything I'll need. I asked bryce to come over and he did. "OK so I'm going to Maryland to get her back I don't care how long it takes I need she I didn't mean to hurt her I love her and I always will she's my person I know it" I said to bryce "as your best friend I think u should keep your options open but as her older brother if u ever hurt her or make her shed a single tear I'll kill u and I appreciate u doing this" bryce said "also ill give u my moms number so she's aware of what's going on" bryce said he gave me her number and I texted her

Lisa hall

I'm jaden peyton and bryce friend I made a mistake and want to do what's right so I'm flying to Maryland to apologize. But I have a slight problem I don't know where pey and u live. I also well pay for my own hotel and everything

Hey honey don't be ridiculous u can stay at my house in bryces old room I'll set everything up for h and I'll send u my address. Have u eaten dinner yet honey?

Yes and thank u so much for everything

I'll make u a dessert and u are more then welcome hun. I won't mention these to pey I'll let u to lovebirds figure these out. Have a safe flight my dear.

I went to the airport and go on a flight

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