Harry Potter

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Story line: You were known as Draco Malfoys Twin sister. Which can have it's ups and it's downs. The one thing that didn't really go very well was that you thought that the Harry Potter was very attractive. But you're brother doesn't really like him as much but you have nothing against him and actually consider him a friend. Luckily for you that you just so happen to be the only Malfoy who isn't in Slytherin.
Word Count : 1838
Warnings; little mention of blood.
House : Gryffindor
Year : 6
A/n: I hope you enjoyed the first Chapter to my Harry Potter Book. Also I'll be posting more when I finish up my OBX book


Y/n's Pov

I was known as Draco Malfoys twin sister. I'm also known as the only malfoy to ever be placed in Gryffindor. Which I was glad because I was also really close with Hermione Granger. Which ment I was also close with the one and only Harry Potter.

It was our 6th year at Hogwarts. We were all in the Great hall eating and discussing what was happening at my place. " You're meaning to tell me that You-Know-Who is at your manor?" Ron asked with a mouth full of food.

Yes I've been double crossing and ever amount of information I get I tell Harry, Ron and Hermione. Which gives them an advantage. " Why should we believe you when you're a Malfoy?" Ron mentions as he continues to eat.

It sucks that after all these years of helping them that Ron still doesn't trust me. Especially since he was Harry's best friend and I have feelings for him. " Ronald if it isn't obvious that if she was working with You-Know-Who than she wouldn't of helped us." Hermione stuck up for me.

" Besides I give them false knowledge whenever they ask about him. I maybe a Gryffindor but I'm still their little angle." I wink at them as I continue to look for Harry. " What's wrong Y/n?" Ginny asks nicely.

I didn't sat anything cause Harry hasn't shown up yet and I was worried that something as happened to him. " She's looking for Harry." Ron teased me which caused me to blush.

That was when Harry came into the great hall with a bloody nose. " Why is he bleeding?" Ginny asked as Harry sat next to me. " What happened to you?" Hermione leaned over the table to him. " Draco." He mumbled. I sadly smiled at him as I took the bloody rag from his hand and helped him clean up his nose.

Not long after Dumpledore stood up and started speaking about Tom Riddle. I wasn't really paying attention to the speech as I was still worried about Harry. " I'm okay, I promise." He Whispered to me. Though I didn't believe him but I still nodded and looked back at my brother.

The one thing that I didn't tell them was that my brother had become a death eater. It was originally supposed to be me but Draco wanted to protect me and he also knew how much Harry ment to me. I could tell that my brother wasn't happy. He was definitely worried about his task.

Soon the speech was over and everyone was heading to their common rooms. " You coming Y/n?" Hermione asked with a smile. " I wanna say goodnight to my brother. Plus he's going through some stuff and he deserves one person to loves him there." I smile back at my friends.

Harry gave me a small smile and a nod as the three oc them went left. I went over to my brother and sat next to him. " You're worried aren't you?" I ask quietly as he looked up. He gave me a small nod.

I've never seen him like this. " No matter what happenes promise me you'll fight on the right side. I can't lose you, you're the only good thing I have." He tells me. I didn't say anything. I hugged him and mumbled I love you to him. " You've been telling him everything right.?" He hugged me back.

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