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Storyline: There's a New years party and you and Cedric went together so you guys have someone to go with but little do you know that the both of you have feelings for each other until it hits midnight
Word count: 1151
Warnings: None
A/n: I was supposed to post this the on first but forgot.

Y/n's Pov

There was a big New Years party tonight and everyone going already have dates or just someone going with, well everyone besides me. It's not like that I don't want a date it's the fact that the one person that I wanna go with hasn't asked me yet.

I was sitting at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast with a couple of my friends when Cedric sat across from me. "Hey Y/n." He smiles. "Hey Cedric." I smiled as I took a bite of my toast. He filled his plate with food and started eating. "How come you're not sitting with your friends?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "All they can talk about is the party tonight and they keep trying to set me up." He said taking another bite. "Just say you're going with me." I suggest taking a drink of my pumpkin juice. "Really?" He asked looking surprised. "I'm not going with anyone anyways and it will keep them off your back." I shrugged finishing my food.

He smiled a little, "Thank you Y/n." I gave him a smile and stood up walking away with my friends. "Did you just ask Cedric to be your date?" Luna smirked. I rolled my eyes, "We're just friends." I stated looking at Luna and Cho. "But it's obvious that you two like each other." Cho smiled. "He doesn't like me, he's the most popular guy in my year." I mentioned.

"You think that just because he's popular that he can't like you?" Luna asked. I nodded, "We are going as friends, friends can go to parties together." I said walking towards the Charms classroom. "You really don't believe that the both of you are just friends do you?" Luna questioned. I give Luna a confused look, "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"What she means is that it seems that the two of you are oblivious about your guys feelings towards each other." Cho speaks up. "I promise Cedric and I are going to stay just friends, besides Cho don't you like him?" I asked looking at her. "No, I like Harry, we are going to the party together." She smiles.

I smirked and raised my eyebrow at her. "So you and the chosen one huh?" I teased causing her to blush and rolls her eyes. "Says the one who's denying her feelings towards Cedric." She Teases back causing me to roll my eyes. "Sometimes I question why I'm friends with you guys." I smiled as I shook my head.

Both Cho and Luna looked at each other smirking as we walked into the Charms class. "Y/n come over here." Cedric said calling me over. The Luna and Cho looked at me giving me a smile. "Shut up." I said looking at them before I went over to Cedric. I gave him a smile as I sat down. "How's your morning?" He smiled. "It's been good so far. Boring but good." I smiled back as I pulled out my Charms book.

He smiled as he looked down as he looked down as his book. I opened my book and started working on the assignment that was written on the board. After a few minutes Professor Flitwick walked into class and started teaching his lesson for the day.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It was almost time for the party and I was just finishing getting ready when Cho walked into my dorm. "Cedrics looking for you." She stated as she looked at me up and down. "You look amazing." She added as she smiled at me. "Thank you." I smiled as I fixed my hair and walked out of my dorm. Since the party is in the Ravenclaw room it was packed with people.

I took a quick glance around the room before I spotted Cedric talking to Harry and a couple of his other friends. I smiled a little as I walked over to him and his friends. When he noticed that I was walking over to him he smiled and greeted me. "You look beautiful." He smiled giving me a hug. "You look great too." I said blushing a little.

"So got any new plans for the new year?" He asked taking a drink out of the cup he had. "Not really, I plan on still focusing on my studies. What about you?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I haven't really thought about it. I've been so caught up in the tournament that I haven't given it a thought." He mentioned.

I nodded a bit. "That makes since." I smiled as the music changed from a fast tempo to a slow tempo. Cedric set his cup down and held out his hand. "Care to dance?" He smiled I gladly took it and we went to the middle of the dance floor. He out his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck and we started swaying back and forth.

He smiled a little. "You know I was shocked when you said that I could come to the party with you." He stated. I raised my eyebrow and smiled. "Whys that Cedric?" I asked. He shrugged. "I just didn't think someone as smart as you would wanna go to a party with me." He admitted as he blushed a little. "If I'm being honest I'd rather go to any party or ball with you than anyone else." I assured him.

"Really?" He smiled. I gave him a nod. "You're a good guy and I'd take a good guy over anyone else any day." I smiled. "Than I think I should tell you that I also fancy you and was gonna ask you to the party but you offered instead." He mentions. I couldn't help but be shocked by what he had just told me.

For a moment I thought that he was just saying that because Cho and Luna mentioned that he fancied me but than again I know that Cedric wouldn't mess with someone's feelings like that so I knew that he was telling the truth. So I placed my lips on his cheek kissing it. "I fancy you too." I smiled as I watched his cheeks turn red.

Cedric and I spent the rest of the party dancing and talking. For once something this year felt normal since everything else that has happened so far has either been crazy or something unusual has happened. But not this, we were able to be normal, even if it was just for one night.

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