Neville LongBottom

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Storyline: It's the month of February and everyone knows what everyone is the most excited for, Valentines day but there is one person that Neville has an eye on, you but he was to nervous to tell you in person so he decided that he would be your secret admirer and send you little notes all week leading up to him having the courage to tell you in person

Word Count: 900
A/n: Happy Valentines Day. Also this is quite short but i made sure it was extra cute cause Neville deserves it


Y/n's Pov

When I tell you that this week has been hectic I mean it. It's Valentines day and all week I've been getting these secret admirer letters all week and today is the day that I'll be figuring out who's behind the letters. It started Monday during lunch when Hermione and I were in the Great Hall with Harry and Ron.

Time Skip to Monday

Harry, Ron, Hermione and I are currently eating and talking when the Owls came flying in with the mail. I wasn't expecting anything because my parents usually don't write to me until Friday to let me know what's going on at home. So it was a surprise when a letter fell into my food.

I glanced over to Hermione who was already looking at me. "I thought you didn't get mail on Mondays?" She questioned "I usually don't." I said opening the letter.

Dear Y/n,
I didn't have the courage to tell you to your face but you are beautiful and I hope that you will agree to meet me at 3 broomsticks on Valentines day. I understand if not but it'd make me the happiest person in the world if you did. ~ Secret Admirer

I read over the letter a couple of times before I handed it to Hermione to read. "Who's it from?" Ron asked looking over Hermiones shoulder. "Dont know, there isn't a name on it." I shrugged as I took a drink of my pumpkin juice. "You're not actually thinking about going are you?" Hermione said looking up from the letter.

"Well I might cause I wanna know who it is." I mentioned. "It could be some creep or worse, Malfoy."Ron said as he made a face. "Or it could be someone sweet like Neville." I smiled at Ron. "You'd date Neville?" Harry questioned. I nodded, "He's always been nice to me whenever we have spoken." I explained.

Hermione read over the letter again before handing it back to me. "It would make since that Neville would right a letter. Plus if it is Neville I think it's sweet that your keeping an open mind to it." She smiled as I finished my food. "Well I should get going, Hufflepuffs have the Quidditch field today and Cedric will be mad if I'm late." I said standing up and leaving the table.


It was Friday morning and I was sitting at the Hufflepuff table with Cedric and Luna eating breakfast when another letter fell into my lap. "Who's sending you letters this early in the morning?" Cedric questioned. "Don't know, I got one earlier in the week as well." I mentioned as opened the letter and read it.

Dear Y/n,
Valentines day is tomorrow and I'm really hoping to see you. I also wanted to tell you congratulations during the Hufflepuff VS Ravenclaw game. You played well and can't wait for the next game. ~Love Secret Admirer

I couldn't help but smile a little at the letter. "Well what does it say?" Cedric asked. "Whoever it is wants me to meet them tomorrow for Valentines day." I explained Cedric smirked again and rolls his eyes. "Looks like they really like you." He mentioned . "I know but I just wanna know who it is. What if it's some jerk like Draco." I explained.

Cedric shrugged. "Well what if it's someone like Neville. He's a good guy, it could also be Ron, I hear he's pretty nice." He smirked. I rolled my eyes at my friend. "I'd take Neville any day." I said glancing at Neville. He quickly looked away while his cheeks turned pink. I smiled a little as I finished my breakfast.

End of Flashback

I had just just made it to 3 broomsticks and found a seat near the back cause it was least crowded. I looked around waiting for my date to show. Which could literally be anyone. After about 20 minutes a Butterbeer was set down in front of me.

I looked at the person who set it down and luckily it was Neville. "So you're my secret admirer." I said smiling at him. He nodded and sat down across from me. "I was hoping you were gonna show up." He said nervously. "I almost didn't, I was scared it could have been Malfoy." I said taking a drink from my Butterbeer.

"So I take it your glad it wasn't him?" He questioned. "I'm thrilled that it wasn't Malfoy, I'd take you over him anyday." I smiled. He blushed and took a drink from his butterbeer. "Well I'm happy that you arnt disappointed." He stated. "I don't think I could ever be disappointed in anything you do." I assured him. "Happy Valentines Day Y/n." He smiled. "Happy Valentines day Neville." I smiled at him.

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