Bill Weasley

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Storyline : You've been a family friend of the Weasleys for years. You and Bill were the same age, you grew up with each other, hooked up once or twice and still ended up close. But it also hurt whenever you saw him with someone else. But little did you know that he only did that to make you Jealous.
House: Gryffindor
Warnings : Jealously, Slight Smut
Word count: 1753


Y/n's Pov

The Weasleys have been like my family since I was at Hogwarts my first year. That's when I met Bill Weasley. The moment we met we never went our own ways. We were also each others first everythings.

We agreed that since we trusted each other that when we were both ready and single that we would go to each other with no strings attached. But for me that didn't go very well for me. It was back in our 6th year of Hogwarts. We were Head Boy and Head Girl so we got to share a room our last two years of Hogwarts.

Alot of our firsts happened during our 6th year of Hogwarts. Our first kiss, Sex, casual hookups from time to time, the first time Molly Weasley actually share a room with him since they didn't have the biggest house. But that was also the year that I realized was in love with him.

It seemed that he felt the same way growing up but I didn't realize how much it hurt when he would speak to other girls. It was like I wanted him to look at me all the time or to just wanna be with him all the timw.


It's the beginning of our 6th year and Bill and I were with the Prefects. We already discussed the schedules for Prefect duties so now we were just hanging out and talking. We were pretty close with everyone who is either Head Boy Head Girl or Prefect.

While we were together all of us were playing Truth or Dare." Okay, Bill Truth or Dare?" Bill's brother Charlie asked. " Hmm Dare." Bill answered. " I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this compartment." Charlie smirked at his brother.

Bill stiffened as he looked down. " Come on Bill you can do this." Carrie, the Hufflepuff Prefect said. Bill looked at me for reassurance. I gave him a small nod letting him know it was okay. He put his hand on my cheek and leaned in.

I met him half way and soon his lips were on mine. His lips were soft and gentle. We could hear the others cheering for us which caused us to pull away. " Thank you." He whispered." You're welcome." I smiled at him.

Soon the game came to an end and we were now at Hogwarts. I was about to walk out of our compartment when Bill grabbed my hand. We were now alone and he looked nervous. " Are you okay Billy?" I asked curiously. " I feel like I messed up the kiss and you seem like a good kisser." He said quickly.

I couldn't help but laugh a little as I shook my head." You're not that bad, but if it makes you feel better and you wanna learn I'll teach you." I mentioned. " How many people have you kissed?" He asked me. " Oh you're my first but a friend of mine Hailey gave me pointers for when the day came." I smile a little.

He nodded and walked out of the compartment to meet up with our friends." What took you so long?" Carrie asked. " Oh he wanted to talk about Gryffindor stuff." I lied. Bill nodded in agreement as we all walked off the train.

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