Ron Weasley

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Storyline: You and Ron have always had feelings for each other but never told each other until one night at a party when the both of you got drunk and one thing lead to another.
Requested:(Yes) bluecupcake2009
Word Count: 1146
Warning: Slight Smut nothing to big its at the end if you wanna read the rest if not skip this chapter, Cursing, underage drinking
A/n: Writing smut isn't my Strong suit so please dont get upset if the smut isnt in full detail. I'm still getting used to being comfortable with writing it. I did write this before I wrote the chapter cause I didn't know how this was gonna turn out. But I just wanted to let you know that requests will be closed on Friday
Y/n's Pov

I've known Ron and his family for as long as I can remember. We've been friends since we were kids so saying that one of us were bound to fall for the other is an understatement. Within the last 2 years, with the Tournament, Umbridge and everything that my friends and I have been put through I realized my feelings towards the red head.

I was sitting in the Great Hall eating my lunch when Ron, Hermione and Harry sat across from me. "So there's this party tonight." Ron says as he grabs a plate and starts piling food on it. "What's the party for?" I questioned them. "There needs to be a reason to throw one?" Harry asked. "Gryffindors only throw partys if we are celebrating something." I say looked at them.

"The party we were invited to the Hufflepuffs are throwing it, but since our common room is bigger they wanna use it." Hermione explains. "Now that makes more since." I say finishing my food. "So are you going?" Ron asked. "Well the party is in my common room so I kinda have no choice." I shrugged.

"If it makes you feel better Fred and George are bringing firewhiskey." Harry smirked. I rolled my eyes at the boy and smiled. "Does that surprise you? They always find a way to get some." I mentioned. They all agreed as I stood up. "I'll see you guys at the party, I've got classes to attend." I waved as I walked away.

Ron's Pov

As I watched Y/n walk away I took a bite of my food. "Really Ronald?" Hermione said as she raised her eyebrow. I gave her a questioning look. "What have I possibly done wrong this time?" I asked with food in my mouth. "You could have asked if she wanted to attend the party with you as your date." Harry said like it was obvious

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at my friends. "Like she'll agree to going to a party with me." I said as I took another bite of my food. "Gosh you're so bloody blind sometimes." Hermione smirked. "Now I'm confused." I mentioned. "Y/n has fancied you since I can remember. You haven't seen the way she looks at you." Harry explained.

"She looks at you the way you look at your food." Hermione Joked as she added on to Harry. "Yeah right." I said rolling my eyes and taking a drink of my pumpkin juice. "Okay, later at the party when you see her I'll leave our room unattended so you and Y/n can hang out alone." Harry stated.

I Raised my eyebrow and looked at my best friend. "What for?" I questioned. "Because not only will the both of you most likely be intoxicated but you'll be alone so the alcohol will most likely take over. If nothing happens you'll be right." Hermione explained. "You're on, if I win you guys owe me sweets from hogsmead." I tell them as I finish my food.

°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

Y/n's Pov

I had just finished my last class of the day which was Charms and I had just walked into my common room and it was already filled up with classmates who were already drinking and drunk. I took a quick glance looking for my friends when I saw that Ron, Harry and Hermione were all waving me over.

I walked over to them and grabbed one of the drinks from Hermiones hand. "This place is pretty crowded." I said looking around as I took a drink. "It started an hour ago, Fred and George really know how to get a party started." Harry stated. I smiled a little. "Of course they do." I said rolling my eyes. "So we gonna get this party started or are we just gonna stand here?" I said smirking at them.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It's been about and hour and my friends and I are pretty drunk. It was pretty late into the party and Ron and I made it to his Dorm for some quiet. "Wow I'm so glad I don't share a dorm with you guys." I Laughed as I looked around their dorm. "It's not that bad." Ron said looking around

I looked at him. "Your trash is over flowing, clothes and books are all over the place and you think it's not that bad?" I questioned as I smirked. He just rolled his eyes as he sat down. "Why are we up here anyways?" I questioned as I sat down next to him. "Harry and Hermione say that you fancy me." He stated.

"And if they are right?" I asked as I looked at him. He shrugged, "Are they?" He asked hopefully. I didn't say anything, I let the alcohol take over and kissed him. It didn't take long for him to kiss back and cup my cheeks with his hands.

The longer we kissed the more intense the kiss got and it didn't take long for our clothes to be off and for us to be laying down with him hovering over me. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. "I want this." I tell him. He kissed me softly as he put his member in me and waited a moment before rocking his hips.

I couldn't help but moan into the kiss as I gripped his shoulders. He moved his hips faster and I could have sworn I heard him moan. After a few moments we reached our highs and he laid down next to me. I put a blanket over us just in case someone walked in and rested my head on his chest.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted this." He spoke up. "I always thought you liked Hermione." I admitted and smiled. " I've fancied you since like year 2." He mentioned. " I liked you since we were kinds." I say looking up at him. "Really?" He asked as he looked back at me. Nodded as he kissed my forhead and looked at the ceiling

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