Ron Weasley

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Storyline: You were staying at the Weasleys over winter break and everyone knew that you guys liked each other but you guys never mentioned anything to each other until one day someone hung a mistletoe
Word count: 983
Warnings: None that I know of
A/n: I might make a part 2 in Ron's Pov . Also I wrote this in one day so I could get it out so I'm sorry if it's not great and I'm working on my writing skills when it comes to writing.


Y/n's Pov

It's Christmas break and Hermione, Harry and I were staying at the Weasleys for the break and so far it's been a blast. I was sitting at the table with the Twins watching them come up with more ideas for their joke shop. Harry and Ron were on the couch and Hermione was haning out with Ginny while Molly was making us a snack.

"Y/n are you hungry?" Molly asked. "Oh no I'm still stuffed from lunch." I said giving her a smile. She gave me a small smile as I continued to watch the Twins. "So you and Ron?" Fred Whispered. "Nothing going on between us." I whispered back causing them to smirk at each other. "Yeah right, we see the way you guys look at each other." George mentioned

I shook my head. "I'm gonna go somewhere else of you guys don't stop talking." I say rolling my eyes. Fred and George both looked at each other like they had a plan before turning back to  the products they were working on. "Y/n, have you done the homework for Snapes class?" Harry asked. "We had homework?" I asked looking at them causing them to both nod.

"I'll help you with it if you want." Hermione offered. I smiled and gave her a nod. "Sure, thanks Hermione." I said standing up and walking over to them. "What's going on over here?" I asked. Ron shrugged. "Nothing, just talking." Ron smiled. "About what?" I asked. Ron blushed while Harry and Hermione both smirked at each other.

"Boy stuff." Ron nervously said. "Sure you are." I jokely said as I sat down. "So, do you like anyone Y/n?" Harry asked while smirking. "There's someone who has my interest." I say looking over at Ron. He wasn't looking at me and it looked like his whole demeanor changed. Like he was upset. "You good Ron?" I asked.

He nodded and got up going to his room. "What's wrong with him?" I asked watching Ron walk away. "Nothing you gotta worry about." Hermione said smiling a little while Harry followed Ron. Once they were out of sight Hermione and Ginny sat next to me. "It's cause Ron fancies  you." Ginny tells me.

I looked at her with wide eyes. "There's no way he fancies me." I said shaking my head. "How can we get you to belive that he likes you?" Hermione asked. I shrugged, "I don't think there is one." I say looking down. "You like my brother don't you?" Ginny asked. "Is it that obvious?" I asked looking at them. They both nodded and went to Ginnys room leaving me on the couch with my thoughts.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It was Christmas morning and I since that I was the only one up I was in the living room sitting on the couch enjoying the quiet before the storm of events that were gonna happen. I took a drink of my tea and looked out the window when someone came in and sat next to me.

I looked over and saw Ron. "You're up early." I Joked causing him to crack a smile. "So are you." He said looking out the window. "Couldn't sleep, I've been up most the night." I said looking at him. "Harry and Ginny were up most the night talking." He chuckled a bit. I smiled a little. "They so fancy each other." I said.

He nods in agreement. "What about you? You like anyone?" He asked looking over at me. "There's someone I kinda like, just don't know if he feels the same way." I say looking at him. "Why do you say that?" He asked. "Him and someone are really close, it's hard to know if they like each other or not." I explained.

"I'm sure whoever this guy is probably likes you. I mean who wouldn't." He smiled. I shrugged. "I hope so, everyone keeps telling me that but I haven't seen it yet." I smiled. I looked out the window for a moment before he cleared his throat causing me to look at him.

He was looking up at something so I looked up to see Mistletoe. "That wasn't there yesterday." I say looking back at him to see that he was already looking at me. "You know The tradition." He smiled looking at my lips. I smiled leaning in. He met me in the middle and our lips moved in sync. They were soft causing me to smile.

After a moment I pulled away. "Happy Christmas Y/n." He smiled. "Happy Christmas Ron." I said laying my head on his shoulder. "Am I the guy you like?" He asked. "Obviously, I wouldn't of kissed you if you werent." I joked causing him to laugh a little.

After 5 minutes of quiet a bunch of feet came running downstairs. "Oh you guys are already up." Fred Smirked. "We were waiting for you guys." I rolled my eyes. "Sure you were." George said grabbing the Mistletoe. "Glad that worked." Harry smiled. "You guys planted that?" I asked.

They all nodded. "We needed to make sure someone made a move." Ginny added. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You guys are one of a kind." I smiled. "Happy Christmas you guys." Fred said. "Happy Christmas." Everyone else said at the same time.

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