Harry Potter

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Storyline: You and Harry have been together for almost a year and the Christmas dance is coming up and Harry still hasn't asked you yet. It was 2 days before the dance and you thought he forgot.
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7
Word Count: 1122
Reminder:Go to the request chapter and Request before they close

Y/n's Pov


A Week ago

It was dinner time and everyone was in the Great Hall when Dumbledore said that he had an announcement. "This weekend for those who are staying here for Christmas break I thought it would be a great idea to have a dance." He said smiling. The whole Great Hall went into a cheer and turning to their friends while Dumbledore sat back down.

"Do you think Harry is gonna ask you?" Luna asked. "He better, We have been together for a while now."I smiled at her. She smiled back and took a bite of her food as I looked over at my boyfriend and his friends. He was already looking at me and I gave him a small smile and a wave before I went to eating my food.

3 Days ago

I was sitting in class when Hermione sat next to me. "Hey." She smiled at me as she pulled out her stuff. "Hey." I smiled back. "Has Harry asked you to the dance yet?" She asked. "Nope and its in 3 days." I mention as I finish writing the notes from the board. "Don't worry about it. You guys are going together even if he asks you or not." She assured me.

"But I wanna get asked. It's apart of the whole dance experience." I Joked causing her to laugh. "Yeah I guess you're right." She said as she started taking notes. "I'll make sure to let him know to ask you to the dance." She added. "Thanks Hermione." I smiled at her. "No problem." She smiled back.

"What if he doesn't wanna go with me?" I asked. "Why wouldn't he wanna go with you? You're his girlfriend?" She asked. "Well before the war I knew Harry liked Ginny so maybe he would have wanted to see if they would rekindle and leave me." I explained. "Y/n Harry  cares about you. He wouldn't just leave you like that without talking you about it." She tells me.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded going back to her work. I looked back at Harry who was sitting next to Ron and they were talking to each other making sure that they stay quiet so they don't get caught.


It's 2 days before the dance and Harry still hasn't asked me. For some reason he's been avoiding me like crazy and I can't even confirm that he's going to the dance yet. I've tried asking Ron but he just gets anxious and runs off so I don't get a clear answer. So being me I was able to get the Gryffindor passward from Neville so I could talk to Harry.

I was sitting on the couch talking with Dean and Ginny when Harry walking in with Ron and Hermione. They were Whispering with each other until I spoke up. "Long time to see." I smiled at them. Harry and Ron looked shocked while Hermione laughed it off. "I told you that she would find a way to talk to you." Hermione said as she say next to me.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I asked my boyfriend. "I'm not avoiding you. I'm talking to you right now." He said nervously. "Harry, you haven't spoken to me since Professor Dumbledore made the speech about the dance this weekend." I said crossing my arms. "Hermione said you wanted to get asked to the dance." Harry mentioned.

I nodded. "So you chose to avoid me all week?" I asked. "I know that wasn't a smart thing to do." He admitted. "Good, now don't you have something to ask me?" I smiled a little. He smiled a little. "Y/n will you go to the dance with me?" He asked. "Obviously I would love to." I said hugging him. "Finally now I don't have to deal with all the complaining." Hermione spoke up causing all of us to laugh.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It's the day of the dance and I was finishing getting ready with Hermione and Luna when we heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Ron and Lunas date were at the door. "Harry said he will meet you in the Great Hall." Ron said walking towards Hermione. I gave a nod and walked to the Great Hall.

When I got there Harry was standing by the door waiting for me. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. "You look amazing." He says giving me a hug. "Thank you." I smiled and hugged back. "Wanna dance?" I added. He nodded and I pulled him to the dance floor.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while he put his hands on my waist. "Got any plans for winter break?" He asked. "Not really. I'm most likely gonna study." I mentioned. "I'm sure Mrs. Weasley wouldn't mind if you came with me to their house." He suggested. "I don't think I can, I'd just be taking up space and the Weasley family is really big." I say giving him a smile.

"You could Share a bed with me. Hermione will be sharing with Ron, if not I'm sure Ginny wouldn't mind sharing a room with you." He smiles. "I'm good staying here. I don't want the Weasleys to worry about another mouth to feed." I say. "They wanna meet you, plus I gave them some money after the war." He says trying to convince me to go.

"You're not gonna stop until I agree to go arnt you?" I asked and he shook his head. I rolled my eyes. "Fine but only cause I know from the rumors that Mrs. Weasley is a good cook." I smiled causing him to laugh a bit. "She is a good cook." He mentions. For the rest of the night Harry and I spent the night dancing, laughing and just enjoying each other's company.

A/n: Diffrent  I know posting again so soon but I wanna post as many as I can before I make another book but I wanted to let you know The 25th- 31st are all gonna be Christmas and New years chapters unless it's a Requested chapter 

Which don't forget to go to the request chapter and request. I can't promise they will get posted the same day but they will get written and published. P.s Merry Christmas

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