Oliver Wood

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Storyline: Oliver Wood is your boyfriend. Your Quidditch obsessed boyfriend. It's your guys anniversary and you are excited to spend some time with him at Three Broomsticks but Oliver seemed to forget that it was your anniversary when he he never met up with you at Three Broomsticks.
House : Hufflepuff
Warnings: Arguing
Year : 6
Word count: 1544


Y/n's Pov

It was yours and Oliver's Anniversary today and Oliver told you to meet him at Three Broomsticks. Which you had to be there by Noon so Angilina was helping you get ready before he had to go to her Quidditch meeting.

It made me a little nervous that Oliver was having a meeting with the team knowing that he can be quite obsessed with the sport. Don't get me wrong it's a good sport but sometimes I think he would rather marry the sport more than me.

Angelina was helping me with my hair while we talked a little." So do you know that the Quidditch meeting is about?" I asked her. " Um I think it's the schedule for this season." She tells me. I nodded as I put the finishing touches on my hair. " You're worried he's going to forget again aren't you?" She asked me.

I didn't answer but I'm guessing the look on my face said it all. " He loves you, it's just you know how he gets with Quidditch." She mentioned. " I know but it sucks sometimes always coming second. I mean the last four times we made plans he stood me up for Quidditch." I explained.

Yes he stood me up four times and I've had to show that I didn't care no matter how much it sucks. Not only that I barely see him anymore cause he's always gone, or when he is around all he talks about is Quidditch.


Oliver and I had made plans to bake tonight in the kitchens. But the thing is that I have to wait til he comes back from practice which means I have a lot of time on my hands. So I decided to get some homework done. Which I had a lot of it, especially from Snapes class.

So I was working on school work with Lee since he's one of the few people I really tolerate. " Don't you usually watch Oliver during practices?" He asked me." Are you trying to get rid of me." I joked as I put my hand over my heart. " Never, but whats your plan tonight?" He asked with a smile.

" Oliver and I are going to the kitchens and making cookies." I smiled widely. " I'm guessing that was your idea?" Lee asked. " Yeah, he wanted to have a picnic on the Quidditch field but we did that last time." I mentioned. " Last time?" Lee asked another question. " Yeah, like 2 months ago. Since then he has forgotten whenever we made plans." I explained.

Lee nodded like he understood. " Does it bug you that he's always thinking of Quidditch?" He asked as he pulled out his postions book. " All he talks about and thinks about is Quidditch. I can't get one word in if it's not about it. Even during the off season." I mentioned.

Soon the Quidditch team came walking in through the portrait hole. One by one they came in and one by one it wasn't my boyfriend. Angelina, Fred, George, Harry and so on. Fred and George ended up joining us on the couches. " Where's Oliver?" I asked the twins.

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