Mattheo Riddle

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Storyline : Being Mattheo's best friend was alot of pressure. With being his best friend and being a quiet person comes with alot of people being jealous of how close you are with him. To the point where you got bullied. One day Mattheo notices that you weren't being yourself. Soon enough he caught your bullies in the act and decided to do something about it.
House : Hufflepuff
Year: 5
Warnings : Bullying, Cussing, Obviously Fluff
Word count : 1440


Y/n's Pov

O.W.L.S were coming up. So I've been spending alot of time in the Library when I wasn't in class. Usually I spend my time with Mattheo but he seems to be pretty confident that he was gonna pass with flying colors so I've been alone when it came to studying. Today I've been focusing more on Potions than anything else.

I was about to open another book when Tom, Mattheos brother came up to me. " So where's my brother, he's normally tied to your bloody hip." Tom mentions. " I don't know. I haven't seen him since Herboligy." I tell him without looking up. " What a shame. Now he can't stop anyone from doing this." He says grabbing my Potions book and ripped up my notes. " Come on, O.W.L.S are soon and I need to study." I say standing up.

" Like I care. Now you listen to me, my brother has changed since you guys became friends and I want you to stay away from him." Tom threatens. " It's not really your choice on who he hangs out with." I tell him. " I know, but since you're basicly his best friend you can end the friendship. It doesn't help that he fancies you." Tom yells me. " Mattheo doesn't fancy me. You're crazy." I say snatching my book.

Tom pulls out his wand and points it at my neck. " You're right, but sometimes it's the craziness that people are afraid of, and I need my brothers help but with you in the picture he doesn't want to help. So if you don't wanna do this one thing than I'll do it for you." He smirks mischievously. " You do that than he will know that you did something. Than he will definitely not want anything to do with you." I tell him.

" When did you get so confident?" He asked. " Because I was supposed to meet you're brother an hour ago. Usually when he hasn't seen me in a while and I'm late to meeting up with him he usually comes in here and finds me. Especially since he knows I've been studying alot lately." I explained. " And how do you know that he will help?" He asked again. " Because she knows me better than anyone." Says a voice behind me.

I smirked as I looked behind me to see Mattheo. " We were just having a nice conversation brother." Tom spoke. " Than stop pointing you're bloody wand at her and leave." Mattheo tells him. " As long as Y/n does what she is told." Tom mentions. " And what does she have to do?" Mattheo asked. " He wants me to end our friendship. He believes that you've gone soft and that you fancy me." I explained.

" Who cares if I fancy her or not. Last time I checked it's my business not you." Mattheo told his brother. " It does when I need you more than she does." Tom mentioned. " Actually it looks like she needs me more than you do since you won't leave her alone. " Mattheo told him. " She shouldn't be you're priority. Power should be." Tom said walking towards him. " Well it's not so you should deal with it and just leave her alone." Mattheo said as he walked passed his brother and walked over to me.

" You'll regret not siding with me." Tom spoke. " Than so be it. If you can't except the fact that Y/n is my best friend than you deserve my loyalty." Mattheo mentioned as his brother walked away. " I don't get how you guys are related." I tell him. " We are actually more alike than you think. I just like to keep you out of everything so you don't get hurt." He mentions. " You worry to much." I mentioned.

" Well I kinda have to when my brother is being an asshole." He says as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. " What's his deal anyways? You know with wanting to take over the world." I asked. " All he told me was that he needs help with taking over the world." He explains. " And he thinks he's gonna succeed? Professor Dumbledore isn't gonna let that happen." I point out as we walk out of the Library.

" How do you know that?" Mattheo asked as be lead the way to my common room. " Please do you really think Dumbledore will really let anyone overpower him? For as long as he lives he will make sure no one is as powerfull as he is. Including you're brother no matter what plans he has to try and take him out." I explained.

Mattheo shook his head. " But what about all my brothers followers?" He asked. " Dumbledore also has people following him." I mentioned. " Like a group?" He asked. " I can't say much cause you're brother or his followers could be anywhere listening. But there's basicly two sides. You're either on your brother's side or you're on Dumbledores. Even if you aren't on either side there's still a chance something could happen to you so you might as well choose a side." I tell him.

" I'm on whatever side you're on." He smiles a little. " Even if it means fighting against your own brother?" I asked. " Well as long as my brother thinks that we aren't in on anything we could be safe." He points out. " No you'll be safe. You're the only thing he cares about." I mentioned. " And I care about you so as long as I'm around and he wants me to be on his side he won't hurt you." He says as we get to my common room.

" Just make sure that you're putting yourself first and not doing any of this for me. He's the only family you have left and I'm not gonna be the one that drifts you guys apart." I say looking at him. " If we drift apart it will be because of him not you. I'll see you at breakfast?" He says walking away. " I'll save you a seat." I smile at him.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

I was on my way to the Great Hall when Tom braced my presents again. " Hello Tom." I sighed looking at him. " How'd you convince Mattheo to not work for me and Dumbledore?" He asked. " I didn't do anything. He came up with that all by himself." I tell him.

He thought for a minute before talking again . " But he has always agreed with my plan?" He questioned. " Well maybe it took someone with a different perspective to convince him to be on neither side. I'm different not on yours or his." I explained. " Why not?" He asked. " Because no matter which side I'm on I'll either end up dead or hurt and there's no way I'm doing that for you or Dumbledore." I explained.

" So you'd rather risk being on you're own than choosing a side?" He asked. " I won't be alone. I have Mattheo." I say walking away from him and catching up with my friends. " Tom doesn't scare you?" One asked. " Why would he scare me?" I asked. " Have you heard the rumors." Another asked. " I'm best friends with his brother. I have nothing to be scared of." I said as we got to the Great Hall.

I waved my friends goodbye and found a seat next to Mattheo. " Took you long enough." He smirked. " Your brother found me again." I said as I grabbed a plate and started piling food onto it. " What did he say?" He asked." Nothing important." I smiled at him. " Good because I was wondering if this weekend you wanted to go to Three Broomsticks with me." He mentioned.

" Of course I'll go with you." I said happily. " No I mean like a date." He explained. " A date?" I asked. He nodded as he looked down at his plate. " As long as you don't bring up you're brother and his followers consider it a date." I smiled. " Really?" He said looking at me. " Yeah, I'd like to go on a date. But I will be wearing my normal clothes. Nothing to dressy." I explained. " I expect nothing less from you." He stated as he put food in his mouth.

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