Fred Weasley

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Storyline : You were quiet and didn't really have much friends. You were basicly a loner. Or so you thought, little did you know that you've caught one of the most attractive people in your year. Which you have spoken to him a couple of times but sadly him and his brother were planning on leaving since they can't handle dealing with Umbridge.
House: Ravenclaw
Year :7
Word count : 1259
Warnings: Umbridge, cursing


Y/n's Pov

There were 2 days until the N.E.W.T.S and Umbridge seemed to be getting worse as time went by. Somehow I managed to stay as far away from her but the first years and the Golden trio have been on her bad side. But lately I haven't been able to shake the feeling that I should do something about it but I just didn't know what. That was until I felt someone wrap their arm around me.

" You look like you're going to explode." Said the Ginger. " Shouldn't you be with your brother?" I asked. " Yeah but we just got done planning something extremely important." Fred smiled. " Do I get to know what that is?" I asked. " Do you wanna know?" He asked. I nodded my head waiting for an answer. " We are leaving this place. But we are doing something big. Real big." He smirked.

" You're leaving?" I asked as I looked at him. " Yup. You better not miss me to much." Fred Joked. " I wish I could come with you. I don't know how much longer I can deal with Umbridge." I sighed. " Who said you couldn't." He mentioned. " If I dropped out my parents will be upset. I can't just drop everything and leave." I explained. Fred frowned as he looked at me. " You could come work for my brother and I." He stated.

" What about all the hard work I've been putting in for my N.E.W.T.S?" I asked. " You're already exceeding in every class so you're more than ready to work for us." He smiled. " You barely know me." I stated. " Actually you barely know me. I know all about you Y/n Y/l." He spoke. " How so?" I asked. " I pay more attention than you think. But if you change your mind my brother and I will be in the Gryffindor tower if you change your mind." He says walking away.

I smiled a bit before I walked into Umbridges class. " You're late." Umbridge spoke. " Actually the bell hasn't rang yet which means I'm on time." I tell her. " Are you talking back to me." She said with a small smile. " No I'm just stating a fact." I say sitting in my seat. " Detention Y/l." She said as did her little giggle. " Actually you can't give out Detentions for no reason. In the handbook I were have to done something wrong but not only was I on class on time but I also didn't talk back." I explained.

" You're talking back right now." She mentioned. " I'm telling you what the handbook states. I'm sure not only Professor Dumbledore would agree but my head of house Flitwick would agree with me." I tell her. She rolled her eyes as she started teaching the class. I wasn't really paying attention since I kept thinking about Fred's offer about leaving Hogwarts.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It was around 9:30 when I went to the Gryffindor Tower. Hermione was about to walk in when I stopped her. " Hey can you get Fred? He said I could stop by." I smiled at her. " You're friends with Fred?" She asked. " I guess you can say that." I say to her. " Sure I'll go get him." She said as she walked in.

It took a minute before the painting swung open. " You actually showed up." Fred said letting me in. " I originally wasn't gonna but that was before Umbridge tried to give me Detention for no reason so any way to get back at her is a win for me." I smiled. " I'm already a bad influence on you." He smirked as he led me to his brother. " When you said we might be getting help I didn't expect it to be her." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him and sat on the couch. " Just tell me what you have in mind and I'll help perfect it." I tell them. " How do you feel about fireworks?" They asked in union. " Well they are definitely loud. When do you wanna do the plan?" I asked. " We were thinking next month." George mentioned. " What if I told you I can get it done by the testing in 2 days." I tell them. They both smiled at me and wrote down what they wanted done.

Fred's Pov

After Y/n left we agreed to meet up with her after classes tomorrow to see what she came up with. George and I were in our dorm with Lee when George spoke up." Is you're girlfriend coming with us?" He asked with a smirk. " She's not my girlfriend." I stated as I started to pack my stuff. " He finally talked to Y/n?" Lee asked as he threw My brother his stuff. " She might be leaving with us." George mentioned.

I ignored them as they kept talking about
Y/n and I and I couldn't help but smile that the thought of her possibly leaving with us. " Whatcha smiling about lover boy." Lee teased. " That's non of you're concern I said as I finished packing my stuff. " You should ask her out." George mentioned. " Why she barely knows me." I stated. " Yeah but you know everything about her. Let her get to know you. I'm sure she will love you." My brother said laying down.

Y/n's Pov

It's the day of Fred and George's plan taking action and I'm still trying to figure out if I wanna go with Fred or stay here at Hogwarts. I was in the Library putting the finishing touches on everything when Fred and George found me. " We've been looking for you." Fred smiles. " I've been finishing up everything." I say to them. " Are you coming with us?" George asked.

" Um I'm not sure. It's like I wanna go cause I don't wanna deal with Umbridge but I don't know if it's that's the reason to leave all together." I explained. " Well what's the point in staying for your last year when Umbridge has done nothing but make it shitty for everyone else." George mentioned.

" You guys are lucky I have no friends otherwise I'd be staying." I Joked. George laughed. " I'll meet me at the spot in 10 minutes." George said walking away. " Are you sure you wanna come with?" He asked. " Yeah it's not like I wanna work at the Ministry Of Magic. I'd rather work at some place I enjoy." I tell him.

Fred smiled a bit. " Are you sure you're not coming with cause of me?" He asked. " Why do you say that?" I blushed. " Because we haven't really hung out since you started helping us with our escaping." He mentions. " Well you're part of the reason. I'd rather have fun than here." I smile at him. " So you don't have a crush on me?" He asked.

" Who says I have a crush?" I asked. " Because I have a crush on you and I was hoping you felt the same." He tells me. " Well you're gonna have to wait to find out when he leave here." I say walking away. " Dang it." Fred said jokingly as he follows me.

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