George Weasley

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Storyline : You are a muggle, who happens to own a bakery. One day while you were working Geroge came into your bakery. He decided that after a couple years of getting over Fred's death that he was finally going to try new things and go to new places. But when he noticed how beautiful you were it was an every day thing for him to come and see you.
House : None
Warnings: Nothing that I know of
Word count : 1177
Requested: No


Y/n's Pov

Its been a slow day at the bakery. All my regulars have come in besides one. George Weasley. A strange one that guy is but he definitely is my favorite. He always made sure to buy one of everything and always made small talk. So far you've learned that he has a big family with 6 siblings, he went to a private school and him and his Tain brother own their own toy store which apparently is doing well.

It was almost closing time when he walked through the door. He smiled lightly as I handed him his box of treats. " How was you're day?" I asked the red head. " Busy but better now that I got my treats." He mentions as he pays. " Lucky, it's been slow here. " I sighed. " Well maybe if you're not busy tomorrow we can hang out?" George asked.

" I'd love to hang out tomorrow. Maybe you can show me that shop of yours." I suggest. " Yeah maybe." He said rather nervously. I gave him a small smile as he waved and left the shop. That's when JJ walked behind the counter. " Dang it I missed the hotty." She frowned. " There's always tomorrow. Besides him and I are hanging out tomorrow." I tell her.

" Lucky can I join you?" She asked. " Nope, just the two of us." I say closing up the bakery. " So you guys are going on a date?" She smirked. " It was never clarified." I stated. " Do you want it to be?" She asked. "Obviously. I've been crushing on him since he's been coming here but I'm not gonna rush anything. He may not even like me." I explained.

JJ rolled her eyes as she restocked the pasorys. " Why wouldn't he like you?" She asked. " I don't know. Honestly I don't even know much about him. He's usually the one asking stuff about me." I mentioned as I heard a bell ring. To my surprise it was George. " I forgot my wallet." He smiled as he picked up his wallet. " Do you have a girlfriend?" JJ asked.

" You dont have to answer that." I said looking at JJ. " It's alright but no I don't have a girlfriend." He politely said. JJ smirked as and looked back at the treats. " Alright I'll see you tomorrow." He said as be walked away. I gave him a small wave as I hit my best friends arm. " Ouch what was that for?" She asked. " You know what you did." I said as I went into the back.

" It's not like you were gonna do it." She said following me. " Why would I?" I asked looking at her. She Shrugs. " Just make sure you give you give him a chance. He seems like a good guy." She smiles leaving me by the cash register.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

I was waiting outside my bakery waiting for George to get here. It was early but I was so nervous that I couldn't help but be early. But luckily for me I'm guessing he was nervous too cause shortly after I got off work he showed up. " Nervous?" I asked him causing him to nod.

" I didn't know what type of flower you liked so I got you a chocolate flavored rose." He smiled handing it to me. I couldn't help but laugh a little. " I love chocolate so it's perfect." I smiled. " Good. You wanted to see my shop right?" He asked. I nod giving him a smile. " Well if I show you, you can't tell anyone." He tells me.

I raise my eyebrow giving him a weird look. " Why is that?" I questioned. " Because when you see it you'll be kinds shocked." He tells me as he grabbed my hand and than it felt like everything was spinning in a circle. But after a what feels like a second we were outside a joke shop.

" What the hell just happened." I said feeling like I was gonna throw up. " Sorry, I knew If I just told you, you'd probably just freak out." He frowns. " What are you?" I asked. " I'm a wizard." He tells me. I smirked. " So you can do magic and stuff?" I questioned. All he did was nod and bring me in his joke shop.

I couldn't help but smile and look around the joke shop. " This is incredible." I say looking at him. " I haven't opened up thr shop since my brother died, but I was thinking about opening it up again." He smiles. " You definitely should. Plus it will keep his memory live since he helped create it. " I mentioned.

He Nods. " He wouldn't want me to just stop all the and work we did. I just don't know how I'm gonna run things by myself." He mentions. " I'm sure there's people out there that will help. I know if I lived here I'd definitely help." I smiled. " Maybe you can. There's a way that you can still visit your friends and family and live here." He suggested.

I smiled and started walking around. " I'll think about it. But I might just take you up on it." I say as I pick up a love potion. " What's this?" I asked him. " That's a love potion. It smells like whatever your attracted to and it's the most powerful love potion in the world." He explains as he picked up some puking pastels.

"These can get you out of class. Most popular with the first years going to hogwarts." He said handing me it. "Hogwarts?" I questioned. " Hogwarts school of witchcraft and Wizardry. Best school there is. Fred and I were kings." He smirked causing me to laugh. I looked around looking at a picture of him and his brother.

" You had a twin brother?" I said grabbing the picture. " He was my best friend. The only person who ever really understood my love for pranks." He smiled. " Well now you have me." I smiled looking at him. " He'd like you. Think you'd be perfect." He smiles. I put the picture back. " Would your family be mad that you made friends with someone who doesn't gave magic?" I asked.

He shook his head and chuckled. " My family would love you. Especially my dad. He loves muggles." He says. " What's a muggle?" I asked. " A non magic person." He smiles. " Ohh. Well if I'm gonna stay you're gonna have to teach me your slang." I say to him. " You're staying?" He asked causing me to nod. " I just have to go home and pack up my stuff." I say looking around.

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