Charlie Weasley

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Storyline : You and Charlie worked together and went to school with one another. You guys were also secretly dating because you didn't want the Weasleys to think of you differently. But one day while you and Charlie were cuddling on the couch, Molly saw you guys.
House : Gryffindor
Warnings: None that I know of.
Word count: 1209


Y/n's Pov

I have been close with the Weasleys since Charlie and I were in our first year of Hogwarts. They have been like my second family so it was normal to be invited to the Weasleys on holidays. This time it was Christmas time and Molly and the others were out shopping while Charlie and I were decorating the house. " You don't have to help you know." Charlie smiles. " I know but I love decorating for Christmas." I smile at him. " Cause it's you're favorite time of the year?" He asked.

"And it always will be. Plus it gives some time to spend alone time with you." I tell him. " I know you wanna tell them but I just don't want my mom to treat you any diffrently." Charlie mentions. " I know, when you're ready we will tell them." I assure him. " I don't get how you're so understanding." He mentions. " Well they are like family to me so I can see where you are coming from." I say as I put the finishing touches on the tree.

Molly and the others came walking in and I could hear Molly Gasp. " This is perfect." She smiled. " You always had a bright mind when it came to Christmas Y/n." Arthur mentioned. " I helped too." Charlie tells them. " But I'm guessing you followed Y/n's lead." Ginny giggled. " It's like you guys love her more than me." Charlie joked. " It was supposed to be a secret." I said giggling. Everyone laughed a little as Molly used her wand to put everything away.

" Y/n how long are you staying here?" Ginny asked. " I'm saying here all Christmas break." I said to the youngest Weasley. " So we can go shopping together before you have to go?" She asked. " Well duh, it will be a girls day and your mom can come with." I smiled at her. " This is why you're my favorite." Ginny smiles. " You're my favorite too." I assure her. " I thought I was you're best friend?" Charlie asked.

" You're in my top 3." I joked. Charlie rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch with Bill. " Wow can't even make her number one spot." Bill Joked. " At least I'm in her top 3." Charlie mentioned. " Yeah cause mom and Ginny are in the first 2 spots." Bill mentioned. " Actually you're dad is in the number 2 spot." I add. " Why?" Everyone asked. " Because who do you think teaches him about Muggles." I smiled.

" Plus your mom and Ginny are Tied for the number one spot." I added. " How rude." Charlie mentioned. " Okay everyone go get ready for dinner, Y/n quit messing with them." Molly joked. " You're glad your in the one spot arnt you?" I asked. " Well I thought it was obvious." Molly smiled.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It was after dinner and everyone was in their rooms besides Charlie and I. We were on the couch cuddling and enjoying the quiet. " So how was your day?" Charlie asked. " I enjoyed it like always." I smiled at him. " You always enjoy being here don't you?" He smiled. " I love your family." I tell him. " And they love you." He mentions. " Maybe we should tell them tomorrow." Charlie suggested

" Are you sure that's what you want?" I asked. " Yeah I do." He says. " Than its a plan." I said kissing his cheek. It was quiet for a moment before we heard a creek from behind us. I turned to see that it was Molly. " What are you guys doing up?" She asked. " Just enjoying the quiet." Charlie tells his mom. " Why are you guys cuddling?" She asked. " I'm pretty sure you already know mom." Charlie says looking at her.

" How long have you guys been dating?" She asked. " About a year and a half." I tell her. " Why didn't you tell us?" She asked. " Because I didn't want you to think diffrently about her." Charlie says honestly. " Sweetheart we could never think any diffrent of Y/n, she's basicly family." Molly assures Charlie as she went back upstairs. " Only if we told her earlier." I teased him.

He rolled his eyes at me as he looked at the fire. " In my defence I thought that she would react diffrently." He chuckles. " At least we don't have to keep it a secret anymore." I tell him. " Yeah I guess you're right." He says quietly. " I'm always right." I joked. " If you say so." He smiles. " So now that my mom knows what do we do now?" Charlie asked. " We tell everyone else I guess." I tell him.

" We already know." Said another voice behind us. " Hi Fred." I say looking behind us. " And hi George, Ron and Harry." I added. " We knew for a while that you two were together." Harry mentioned. " How?" Charlie asked. " You guys look at each other funny." George joked. " Haha real funny." I smiled at them. " So you guys Arn't mad we never said anything?" Charlie asked. " No we understand. We are shocked thar mom didn't freak out." Ron mentioned.

" But if you guys are up we are staying up too." Harry mentioned. " No we haven't had any alone time all day." Charlie mentioned. " Mom told us to be down here. She said she wants no grandchildren yet." George mentioned. " Shes actually grabbing Hermione and Ginny right now." Fred added. " Well than I'm going to bed." I say getting up. " What why?" Harry asked. " Because I was expecting quiet and you guys can be noisy sometimes." I tell them.

" What if we are quiet?" Harry asked. " Why does it matter?" I asked. " We wanna know all the details about your relationship." George smirked. " There's not much to say." I tell them. " Clearly there is if you guys never said anything." Fred mentioned. " Because there's never any privacy." Charlie mentioned. " In this family there's no privacy." George mentioned.

" Than I'll remember that next Christmas when I host Christmas dinner." I mentioned. " Who says you're hosting it?" Asked Fred. " Me so deal with it." I joked. " Well I guess goodnight." My boyfriend spoke. " Goodnight I'll see you all tomorrow." I said going upstairs.

Charlie's Pov

" It's weird that you guys finally confirmed that you guys are together." Harry mentioned. " Yeah especially since you guys have known each other since first year." Fred mentioned. " Well we've been flirting since 6th year." I explained. " Just don't hurt her. She's the only person that treats you good." Geroge speaks up. " Believe me I know." I tell them.

" Plus she's liked you since your second year." Ron mentioned. " How do you know that?" I asked. " I may not be as smart as Hermione but I pay attention." Ron mentioned. " He's not wrong. She looks around you like you're the only guy in the room." Geroge mentioned. " Plus Bill was the first person to notice it." Fred spoke. " Of course he did." I mentioned.

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