Bill Weasley

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Storyline: You've always been on the plus side side. Which made it hard having a crush on Bill because you thought that when he came back for the Torniment you thought he'd go for Fleur cause she was skinny and pretty
House: Ravenclaw
Word Count:1303
Warning: Insecure
Requested: No
A/n:Ahhhh this has 4.92k reads!!!


Y/n's Pov

Saying that I've never been the skinnest person in the room is an understatement. Usually I've been known to have quite a bit of stomach fat. More than the next girl. So back in my first year when Bill Weasley and I became friends I was shocked at first. 

But he never once mentioned the way that I looked, if he did it was to tell me that he thought that I looked good. Like at the winter ball during our 5th year at Hogwarts. I felt insecure that night but all night Bill made sure that I felt like the prettiest girl in the room dispite the fact that I'm the biggest girl in our year. 

We are now at the Triwizard tournament supporting his little brother Ron's best friend since Harry doesn't have anyone besides the Weasleys. It was winter break so most students were away from Hogwarts so Dumpledore let us stay during the holidays so Harry had some family during the holidays.

Bill and I were currently in the Great Hall. I was sitting on the table while he stood in front of me. I was eating a bowl of cereal when I glanced over at Fleur staring at Bill. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and look down at my good. “What's got you in a mood?.” Bill asked raising his eyebrow. 

“Fleur is staring at you.” I said while continuing to eat my food. He looked back at her causing Fleur to blush and look away. “Don't get me wrong she's beautiful but she's not really my type.” He shrugged. I giggled a little while looking at him. “You? Bill Weasley have a type?” I smirked raising my eyebrow.

He nodded looking back at me. “Doesn't everyone have a type?” He questioned. “I don't have a type.” I shrugged. Charlie, who is one of Bill's sibling scuffed. “You so do have a type.” He said causing me to elbow his arm. But Bill seemed to notice that my face turned a little pink.

“You, Y/n L/n fancy someone?” Bill gasped, “And you didn't tell me.” He added crossing his arms. I got up from where I was sitting and glared at Charlie as I walked away. Bill followed me out of the Great Hall. “Come on, when have we not told each other everything Y/n.” He said walking next to me.

I looked at my best friend. “Why does it matter that you know who I fancy or not?” I questioned. “You know since I'm your best mate and we tell each other everything.” He shrugged. “Just because your my best mate doesn't mean I have to tell you anything.” I stated. “But we tell each other everything.” Bill mentioned.

“Not everything Bill.” I said walking up to the Gryffindor common room. “Patunia Major.” I said as the painting flew open. “Really? What haven't you told me than?” He questioned as we walked into the common room. “I haven't told you who I fancy, obviously.” I smirked sitting down in on of the couches. “I will figure it out.” He stated sitting next to me.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

As the days went on Bill kept his word. He had been trying to figure out who I fancied for the past 3 weeks and it was getting quite funny. He would follow me to the Owls whenever I would write a letter he would follow me to Hogsmead, even tried to read my diary but I made to put a spell on it so he couldn't.But I was quite shocked that he hadn't figured it out yet with all the obvious signs. 

Today was one of those days where I was being a little to obvious. We were sitting at Three broomsticks having a butterbeer when I dozed off and I happened to be staring at him while doing so. I didn't notice until Bill waved his hand in front of my face causing me to pay attention. 

“Sorry I guess I dozed off.” I said taking a drink of my butterbeer. “If I didn't know any better I'd say you fancied me.” He Joked causing me to blush. “It's a good thing you know better than.” I said resting my head in my hands to hide my blush. 

“What were you thinking about this time? You're crush?” He teased. I laughed a little rolling my eyes. “Totally, I was thinking about how cute he is.” I Joked smiling at him. “Are you sure you don't wanna tell me who it is?” Hs pleded. “If I told you I would have to hurt you.” I said as he frowned. 

I smiled a little. “Relax Bill I was joking.” I assured the ginger. “Why is it such a big deal that I know?” He asked. “It isn't.” I shrugged. “Than tell me who you fancy Y/n I deserve to know.” He mentioned. “Oh really? How do you deserve to know?” I asked. “Because I'm not gonna wait around for the girl I fancy just for her not to feel the same way.” He said getting up and leaving three broomsticks.

I sat there shocked not being able to move and repeating the words he just said inside my head. It was like I was stunned. Bill Weasley just admitted that he fancied me and yet I'm still sitting at Three broomsticks.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

Weeks have gone by and I haven't seen Bill anywhere. I've tried his parents place, the dorm he was staying at, classrooms, all of our hiding spots. But it was like he disappeared. That was until I was looking for a book to read in the library when I heard a familiar laugh and a females laugh.

I followed the noise until I found Bill and Fleur sitting rather close. It wasn't until I cleared my throat that they finally noticed me. “I've been looking for you.” I said softly looking at Bill. “He's been staying with me.” Fleur smirked while looking at Bill. “I can see that. I just came to let him know that I felt the same way about something but I guess he was lying the whole time.” I said as I turned my back and walked away. 

Bill's Pov

My eyes went wide from what I just heard Y/n say. I couldn't help but stand up and start following Y/n, but before I could get far Fleur grabbed my arm. “I thought that we were gonna give this a try?” She asked with a frown. “That was before Y/n told me how she felt.” I pulled my arm away and ran after her. 

I quickly caught up with her and grabbed her hand causing her to stop. “What do you want Bill?” She said facing me while crossing her arms. “Did you mean it? That you fancy me?” I asked hopefully. She slightly nodded, “I thought that you wouldn't want me cause I don't look like Fleur.” I admitted. 

I couldn't help but let out a laugh. “You really think I'd choose her over you?” I said smiling causing her to blush. “I did a minute ago.” She said looking away. “You should know that I would choose you first.” I said kissing the side of her head. “We should go, the last task is about to start.” She mentioned. “Than after that I'm taking you on a date.” I said as we walked to the last task hand in hand. 

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