James Potter

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Storyline: James Potter has had feelings for you since the moment he laid eyes on you. It was an every day thing for James to flirt and ask you out. One day you were expecting James to ask you out but he thought it was a good idea to ask out your best friend Lily.
House : Hufflepuff
Warnings: Jealously, Many Flashbacks so beware
Word count: 1745


Y/n's POV

It all started my first year of Hogwarts. James admired you from afar. He made this plan that by our last year of Hogwarts I would be his.


The Hufflepuff common room was beautiful, and so far I love all my classes. I was in potions class taking notes when Professor Slughorn finally stopped teaching. " Mr. Potter are you paying attention or is Miss Y/l distracting you.

I looked at him seeing him as red as a tomato. I smiled sweetly at him which caused him to blush and look down. " Have I done something wrong?" I asked Lily my table partner. " I think someone has a crush on you." She teased which caused me to blush.

" Should I do something? I mean he's pretty cute." I whisper as she giggled at my comment. " No I think you should play hard to get. I heard that works when it comes to boys." She mentioned as we both looked back at James and his friends.

Sirius, Remus and Peter were trying to get his attention. But he just couldn't take his eyes off of me. You and Lily giggled at them as I went back to listening to what Professor Slughorn was saying.

End of Flashback

It was by my second year was when he started flirting with me. Telling me that I'm beautiful bringing me snacks, cute gifts that I kept all of them, and sticking up for me whenever he got the chance.

Every day the more he said sweet things about me the more I started growing feelings for him. But Lily wanted to stick to the plan to play hard to get.


It was the start of year two and I couldn't be more excited. Lily and I were in the library studying and talking about boys. " So you and Severus huh? " I teased her as she blushed. " He's real nice, he was my first friend. Before coming here. So you and James." She mentions.

I smile happily at the mention of James. " I think I'm gonna talk to him later. " I say writing notes. " No keep playing hard to get. He will have to keep wanting to talk to you." She said.

Our conversation was interrupted when James sat next to me. " Hi Y/n." James said happily. I smile back at him as I focus back on my work. " You look beautiful." He speaks up. "Thank you James." I blush a little. " Is there something that you need?" I asked him nicely. He just shook his head and left the library.

End Of Flashback

By my Third year he started asking me out. Which I wanted to say yes so badly. But a part of me was scared that if I were to say yes then I would just get hurt in the end. Lily told me I should go with my gut and say yes. But I didn't listen.

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