Neville Longbottom

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Storyline : Neville was the sweetest person you ever met. He was your best friend. You never really thought about him more than a friend until you guys came back for your last year at Hogwarts
House : Gryffindor
Warnings: None
Word count : 1406
Year : 6


Y/n's Pov

Neville and I have been friends since we met our first year. Since then we never go a day without speaking. He's been through there for everything and I've been there for him as well. Except for these past few weeks cause I've been writting him but he never responds.

It was the start of our 7th year and everything has changed. Harry, Hermione and Ron were on the run. Snape is Headmaster. It seems like everything is going wrong.

I was on the Hogwarts Express looking for a seat when I spotted Neville. I quickly ran up to him. " I've been looking for you." I smile as I sat next to him. " Hey. I'm sorry I haven't wrote back I've been busy." He explains.

I couldn't help but notice how much he has changed. He looked more mature and there was something else but I couldn't put my finger on it. " Are you okay?" He asked worried. " There's something difftent about you." I mentioned. " Like what?" He asked.

I shrugged. " I don't know I can't put my finger on it." I mentioned. " Well I hope that it's a good change." He simply said. " Trust me it is." I smiled at him. Not long later the train came to a stop and some Death Eaters were suddenly on the train.

Neville stood up. " He's not here losers." He spoke. That's what it was. He was alot braver than he used to be. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back in his seat. " Be careful." I mumbled. He nodded as I rubbed his arm to calm him down. " What's going on with you guys?" Dean asked.

" What are you talking about?" I asked. " You guys are acting weird." Seamus mentioned. " No we aren't." We said at the same time. We looked at each other. " See, Somethings up." Seamus said. " Maybe they fancy each other. " Dean teased.

I blushed a little as Neville shook his head. " No we don't." Neville stood up for us. I felt disappointed when he said that and I couldn't help but look out the window.

" Y/n what are you thinking about?" Neville asked. " How stupid boys are." I joked. " We are not stupid." Dean frowned. " Totally." I rolled my eyes at them. " Who got your panties in a twist?" Seamus asked. " You lot did." I said.

They rolled their eyes at me. " Girls are overdramatic." Dean mentioned. " Saying that won't get you a girlfriend." I teased them. " Did you forget that I dated Ginny?" Dean asked. " Did you forget that I dated Ron?" I mentioned. " Oh yeah. Why did you two break up?" Seamus asked.

" For starters he fancies Hermione, and second of all I fancy someone else." I answered. " Who is it?" They all asked. " That's for me to know and for you to not know." I smiled. " You can't just say you fancy someone and not tell us. We are your best friends." Dean mentioned.

" Actually Neville is my best friend. I tolerate you two cause I need people to hang out with when I don't have Neville." I smiled. " You always hang out with Neville." Seamus mentioned.

Neville blushed at the comment. " That's because he's my best friend. It's the rule at at some point in the day we have to speak or hang out. He keeps me sane." I mentioned.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

We were in the common room hiding out from the Slytherins and the new Professors. Ever since they found out that Snape was the new Headmaster they've been worse than ever before. So far 3 first years were hexed.

And our new professors plan on using the unforgettable curses for anyone who disobey their rules. Neville and I were on one of the couches by the fire reading and hanging out.

" Do you think Harry is okay?" Neville suddenly spoke. " It's Harry Potter. Of course he is. Plus he has help." I mentioned. " It's just that what happens if something happens to you." He whispered. " Than I'll make sure that nothing will. You're stuck with me." I smiled.

" So this boy you fancy. Who is he?" He asked. " Someone, he doesn't feel the same way." I mumbled. " How do you know, you can't just hide them. Otherwise you'll never know how he feels." He mentioned.

I shrugged. " He told his friends that he only thought of us as friends." I explained. " Well than he's not very smart if he doesn't like you. You're amazing." Neville smiled. " You're supposed to say that. Your my friend." I smiled lightly.

He looked down for a moment." I like you." He mentions." I like you too. You're my friend." I smiled. " No I mean I fancy you." He says again. " I smiled a little bit as I grabbed his hand." I Fancy you too, but let's wait til after the war." I mention.

He gave me a frown. " Why do we have to wait?" He asked. " Because it will give us a reason to fight for something. Plus we need someone good for when the war is over." I explain. " Can we still do stuff like holding hands?" He asked.

I nodded as I looked at the fire. " You know I've always fancied you." He mentioned. " Oh really?" I looked at him. He nodded. " Yeah but I was scared that you didn't feel the same way." He slightly smiled. " Well I'm happy you told me now." I smiled at him.

" I always thought you'd want someone like Draco." He spoke. " I'd never be with someone like him. The way he treated you was unforgivable." I laid my head on his shoulder. " Without you I would have never learned how to stick up for myself." He wrapped his arm around me.

I blushed a little bit. " Well that's what I'm here for. It's my job to make sure your confident." I smiled. " So I want some food from the kitchens. You want to come?" He asked. " Um yeah I need food." I giggled. " How about we consider it as a date and we just don't make things official until after the war." He offers.

" I think that's a great idea." I smiled. " Great Well let's go I'm hungry." Neville and I got up. "Where are you two going." We heard a voice behind us. I looked back to see Professor McGonagall. " Nowhere." I lied. She rolled her eyes at me. " Just be back before curfew and be careful." She smiled.
Neville and I looked at each other and as we left for the kitchens.

As we were walking I could help but notice he was oddly quiet. " You okay?" I rubbed his arm. " Yeah I'm just afraid that I'll say the wrong thing." He said quietly. " You can never say the wrong thing. In fact you always say the right thing." I smile a little. He nodded a little but I could tell he was still a little nervous.

I grabbed his hand causing him to stop walking. " Listen you don't have to worry Neville. Believe me when I say that. You already have me, I'm already lucky enough that you fancy me." I smile a little at him. He looked like he calmed down a little. " Now I want pumpkin pastries and enjoy my time with you." I said happily.

" What happens if I change my mind, about waiting?" Neville asked. " Than don't wait. Whenever you're ready than I'm ready too." I say as he looked around. " You know if you wanna kiss me than that's okay, I won't complain." I looked around. " Really?" He looked at me.

I looked back at him and nodded my head. " Like right now?" He asked another question. I didn't say anything, all I did was step on my tip toes and placed my lips on his. It took him a second to realize what was happening before he kissed me back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer which caused him to wrap his arms around my waist. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. I noticed that he was blushing. " So how about those snacks?" He asked me.

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