Oliver Wood

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Storyline: After the war Oliver took a break from Quidditch to do some traveling in America. One day he meets a girl who happens to be related to Hermione Granger. They start meeting everyday at a local Cafe and they are just in awe of each other.
Warnings: None that I know of
Word count: 1045
Requested :(Yes) By PitmanWhitney
A/n: Sorry that it took so long but I finally managed to get it done. Since it took me so long to post I decided to turn this into a 2 parter but it might be short.


Y/n's Pov


I was sitting at my favorite Cafe reading a book and enjoying my coffee when I heard someone trying to pay with something called Gallons and Sickles. For a moment I was confused until I remembered that my cousin was a Witch and they used those to pay in the Wizording world.

So thinking that I got up and walked over to them. " It's okay I'll pay for him." I said smiling and handing the cashier the money. I pulled the boy over to my table and sat down. "Uh Thanks for you're help." He smiled. " It's no problem, I figured that being a Wizard and coming to Amarica would be tough." I Joked

He looked shocked when I mentioned Wizard. "How did you know?" He questioned. "My cousin is Hermione Granger, I think you may know her." I smiled. He nodded and chuckled a little bit. "I'm gonna be here a while and could use a tour guide." He mentioned. "I'll be happy to show you around." I smiled at him.
"Great." He smiled

"I'm Y/n by the way." I said sticking my hand out. "Oliver." He said taking my hand. "It's nice to meet you Oliver." I said smiling staking a drink of my coffee. " Nice to meet you too Y/n." He smiles.

End of Flashback

It's been about a year since that day and Oliver and I have been hanging out since than. I was sitting in my usual spot when Oliver sat across from me. "Sorry I'm late." He smiled. " Don't mention it. I'm just glad you made it." I smiled at him. "So how's you're day so far?" He asked. "Boring, I haven't had much relaxing time until right now." I shrugged

He nodded. "Is that for me?" He pointed at my extra drink. "No it's for me." I Joked as I handed him his drink. He chuckled taking it and taking a drink. "So any news in the Wizarding World? Hermione said you might need to go back." I mentioned. "It's not anything bad I promise." He smiled. "You sure?" I asked.

He nodded again. "Almost a year ago there was a war and Hogwarts got destroyed and they just need some extra hands to help build it again." He explained. I gave him a small smile. "Well I hope it all goes well." I tell him. "Maybe I can work something out so you can come with me." He suggested

I smiled at him. "I would love to visit where you came from. I think it will be fun." I told him. "Great, wanna get out of here?" He asked. "Sure." I said standing up grabbing my bag. "Where to?" I asked. He shrugged. " The movies?" He suggested. " Why pay to get in when I have a TV at home." I told him. "Tv?" He asked. I smiled, "Don't worry I'll teach you some muggle stuff before you go back to the Wizard world." I smirked

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It's been about a week and I was finished packing to go to the Wizarding World. Oliver said to pack lightly cause I'll be able to get some clothes there. This is the first time that I'm going there since Hermione and Oliver both have said amazing things besides the war. Apparently a teenage boy saved everyone with an army.

I thought it was strange at first until Oliver explained it to me a little more. Oliver was sitting on my couch waiting for me when I came out of my room with my suitcase. "Are you sure I'll be able to go? I am what everyone calls a muggle." I tell him. "Of course, plus Hermione will also be happy to see you." He smiles.

"You might barf." He says grabbing my hand and in a split second we were in the Wizarding World in a half built castile. But he wasn't wrong cause I felt like I was gonna be sick. "Wow, there is a lot of work to get done." I said looking around. "It's been in the works for almost a year." He mentioned pulling me towards the Castle.

When we got closer to the castle the more clear that people were. Taking a good look around I saw Hermione and I went up to her giving her a hug. "What are you doing here?" She asked happily. "Oliver brought me to help. Plus I was told you missed me." I Joked. She rolled her eyes. "I didn't know you guys knew each other." She mentioned.

"We met a while back ago actually." I said looking at Oliver. "I was traveling in the States when we met." He explained as he started helping and I walked off with Hermione. "You like him don't you?" She asked. I blushed a little as I blushed and looked around. "Is it that obvious?" I asked. "He seems to like you too. I've never seen him like that." She mentioned

"Really?" I said looking at her. She nodded and smiled. "When he went to school here all he cared about was Quidditch." She explained. "Quidditch is the flying game with the hoops right?" I asked. She nodded. "It's kinda like basketball, baseball and football in the states combined." She mentioned. "Makes since." I said as I smiled.

"You should go for it though. You guys would be great together." She smiled. "Thanks. So tell me more about that redhead you're seeing." I teased as I bumped her shoulder jokingly. "We are doing good." She blushed and she looked at Ron. I took one more look at Oliver before I started cleaning up with Hermione.

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