Sirius Black

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Storyline : You were James Potters Twin sister. The only non Gryffindor. Which ment that James got most of the attention. Our birthday, James got all the presents, Christmas he for more as well. I guess that after all this time you were used to it so when Sirius started showing interest in you it shocked you a bit when you finally got some attention.
Warnings : None that I know of
House: Hufflepuff
Word count : 1001
Requested: No
A/n: This is my last chapter before I can finally post my first request : )

Y/n's Pov

It was getting close to Christmas which ment Winter break was coming up soon and that it was another year of trying to convince my parents to let me stay at Hogwarts this year. I really didn't wanna have another year of James getting everything. From birthday presents Christmas presents, Mum and dad coming to all of his Quidditch matches and non of mine unless we played each other.

And worst of all everyone at Hogwarts loved him. He pulled pranks, girls for some reason have a crush on him and I could only manage to make one friend. Remus, for some reason Remua was the only one to be nice. Well until recently. Recently Sirius has been acting weird. He's been talking to me more, sitting with me in class and wanting to pair up.


It was Monday morning and I was eating breakfast when Sirius sat across from me making a plate. " What are you doing?" I questioned. " Am I not allowed to sit with you?" He answered with a question. " You normally sit with my annoying brother." I stated.

" Well I wanted to change it up a bit. Plus I'm now living with you so I thought why not." He shrugged. I gave him a questioning look as I took a bite of my toast. " Also since we have Potions together and my friends arnt in there can I sit with you?" He asked " Where would my friends sit than?" I asked. " They can sit with us." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him as I finished my breakfast. " Fine but you better hurry before my table gets filled up." I say as I stood up and walked towards the exit of the Great Hall with my friends.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

Like always Sirius came in late and there just so happened to be one seat open next to me so he took it. " Saved me a spot huh?" He smirked. " No, my friend Tonks is late." I rolled my eyes as I worked on my Potion. " What potion are we doing?" He asked looking over.

" Read the board." I said trying to cut something. " Liquid luck?" He questioned. I nod unsuccessfully doing so. " Crush it don't cut it." He states. I look over at him confused. " The instructions say to cut it." I say pointing yo the book. " Trust me, crush it." He smiles.

I do as he said and crushed it and putting it in. " How did you know that?" I asked. He shrugged and helped me throughout making my potion pretty much perfect landing me a good grade. " I don't know how you knew that but I'm impressed." I said looking at him. " I listen, people just think that all I do is mess around." He smiles walking off.

End of flashback

I was In the Great Hall eating breakfast when Sirius sat across from me. " You're not going home this year?" I questioned. He got himself a plate and started piling food on it. " Nah I told you're brother that I'm staying here this year." He shrugged. " Why when you could be at home with my brother getting a ton of presents." I said taking a bite of my food.

" I didn't want you to be alone on Christmas." He smiled. " I'm always alone on Christmas, It's not like it'd be anything new." I stated. " Yeah but this year is gonna be different cause now you got me." He said taking a bite of his food. I smiled at him as I took a drink of my pumpkin juice. " Okay than Mr. Black what are we doing this year?" I asked.

He thought for a moment before he smirked. " I'm glad you asked. There's alot to do before Christmas break is over." He mentioned. " Than we better get started if we wanna get everything you have planned." I laughed a bit. " After we eat I'm starving." He says as he continues to eat.

For the next few weeks Sirius and I had raided the Kitchens, got pranks prepared for when classes started, spent time in Hogsmead when we got bored, has snowball fights, drank hot coco and all the fun stuff. It wasn't until we heard a cough by the Kitchen door that we noticed that everyone had come back from Christmas break.

Stood by the door was Remus and my brother James. " We've been looking for you guys everywhere." Remus said smiling. " At least for Sirius." My brother added. " Oh, Y/n and I were just getting some snacks, I found this thing that plays movies that we were gonna use to have a movie night. You can join us." Sirius smiled at his friends.

" Sirius you don't have to hang out with my sister anymore, come on." My brother said walking towards him. " Y/n and I already have plans, if you wanna join you can but if not whatever you wanna do can wait until tomorrow." Sirius said grabbing more snacks.

James looked at me. " Thanks for turning him against me." James said. " Or maybe for once not everything is about the famous James Potter." I said walking out of the kitchen. " Look James, you're my best friend. Y/n is you're sister, and if you have the chance maybe you should try paying more attention to what's going on and maybe you'll understand her a little better." Sirius said following behind me.

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