Tom Riddle

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Storyline : Tom Riddle has never felt love. Been in love and so on. Or so he thought. For some reason when it came to you he felt weird. Like he was drawn to you. So he went and did some research about it. It turns out that there's one person in the world that could break his curse and that would be true love.
House : Ravenclaw
Warnings : Kind of stalky I guess, might have some cursing.
Word count : 676
A/n : This might be a Short one The idea I had in my head I thought it'd be longer. Requests are open.


Tom's Pov

Ever since I met Y/n I've started getting this weird feeling whenever she's around. I'm always thinking about her, I've been slowly not wanting to ruling the world. But I've only ever felt that way around Y/n. All I want is her and if that means that I have to give up everything than I willing to do so.

It was breakfast time which ment that pretty much everyone is in the Great Hall. Including Y/n. She was sitting at the Ravenclaw table reading her book and drinking some pumpkin juice. Today instead of sitting at the Slytherin table I thought I'd talk to her so I went over to her table and sat across from her.

Everyone sitting around her got up and moved. All she did was look up to me and smile. There wasn't a hint of fear in her eyes. " What are you sitting over here?" She questioned. "Need a change of pace. Plus I'd rather sit with people who are actually smart." I tell her as I fill up my plate.

" As long as you don't mention taking over the world or asking if I wanna be a 'Death eater' Or whatever you call your group than I don't mind." She smiles taking a drink of her pumpkin juice. I give her a nod opening my journal and started writing in it.

After that every morning I would sit with her. But about a month later I started sitting with her at lunch, then at dinner, than it was whenever we could get the chance to hang out. I never thought that I would enjoy company from someone like her but I don't mind it.

Y/n's Pov

Lately Tom and I have been hanging out and all the scary stuff I've heard about him don't seem to be true. He's done nothing but be nice to me. We've been going to Hogsmead we've been hanging out in the Great Hall and so on. I guess you can say he's grown on me.

We were in the library studying for the upcoming Herboligy exam. " I don't get why we need this class." He mentions. " Well I love this class. I like learning about the different herbs, Plants and all that." I smile at him. " Of course you'd like that class." He smiles looking up from his book.

" What's that supposed to mean" I giggle at him. " You're a Ravenclaw. Most Ravenclaws like to learn." He explains. " Not all of them are like me you know. Plus some slytherins are really smart and like to learn as well. I like to think that everyone has a little Ravenclaw in them." I explained.

" I guess if you put it that way you're correct." He tells me as he closes his book. " What are you doing?" I asked. " We are taking a walk." He smiles. "To where?" I asked as I picked up my stuff. "Just around. We've been cooped up in this library all day." He says grabbing my hand.

I couldn't help but giggle at him. " What's going on with you?" I questioned. " What do you mean?" He asked. " I've heard the rumors. So what's going on with you?" I tell him. " Nothing. Is wrong with me. Why is that so hard to believe?" He asked. " I believe you." I smile at him and as we walk around school and just talk.

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