Draco Malfoy

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Storyline: The war is over and you and the rest of the 7th years are redoing your year. But the population of Witches and Wizards are low so they pair you off. Luckily for you Draco is paired with you since he's been your best friend since you were kids.
Word Count; 1429
House : Slytherin
Warnings: Draco and the Golden Trio becoming friends.


Y/n's Pov

Having to redo your last year of Hogwarts sucks. But thankfully I had my best friend Draco by my side. Not only that the Ministry Of Magic wanted to pair us off into couples since our population has gotten smaller.

I could tell that Draco was afraid to go back to Hogwarts after everyone found out about him having the Dark Mark. I haven't left his side since the war ended. Because I was afraid he was gonna do something stupid.

Draco and I managed to write and convinced Professor McGonagall to pair us up so I could still be there for Draco when he needed it. It hurts seeing someone you love go through something like this.

Draco and I were on the Hogwarts express in an empty compartment. He was looking out the window while I was playing with the rings on his hand. For some reason it calmed him down whenever I did that. I never really understood why.

The quiet didn't last long cause soon Pansy and Blaise came into our compartment. " Finally we've been looking everywhere for you to." Blaise smiled at us. I got up and gave them both a hug. " Is he okay?" Pansy whispered to me.

I looked back at Draco to see him already looking at us. " Better than before. I managed to convince McGonagall to pair me with him so he doesn't have to be alone all the time. " I explain to them.

They both gave Draco a small hug as they sat across from him. Draco still didn't speak. I could tell he wanted to but lately he's been scared he will say the wrong thing.

Draco also didn't take his eyes off me either. " Are you okay? " I asked him with a small smile. " Can you sit back down please?" He said quietly. I sat back down which seemed to calm him down a little.

" You know I think we should hang out at Three broomsticks when we get the chance." Pansy said trying to change the subject . Blaise gladly agreed. " What do you think Draco?" I asked softly.

He thought for a moment before he nodded. " You sure, we don't want you to do anything you don't wanna do." Blaise said to him. " I want to." He smiled softly.

For the rest of the ride I saw Draco slowly start talking to his friends again which made me happy. Draco saw me smiling at him which caused him to make a weird face. " Why are you so happy?" He asked. " I'm just happy to see you talking to others again." I smile sweetly at him.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

We were in the Great Hall eating as the others were being paired off. Ron was with Hermione, Harry was with Ginny and so on. Harry and his friends were about to walk past when Draco stopped them. " Yes Malfoy?" Harry said sternly.

Hermione slapped his arm as Harry mumbled a sorry. " I just wanted to apologize for everything I've done. I was only trying to impress my father but since he's in Azkaban I don't have to anymore. " Draco spoke quietly.

Draco was about to sit back down when Hermione grabbed his arm. " It's okay. We know you didn't wanna join. Y/n explained that you didn't have a choice. I hope this means we can be friends." She smiled at him.

He nodded as he looked at Ron. " How's your mom doing you know since Fred?" Draco spoke to him. " She's still hurt. George has it the worst though. " Ron looked down.

I saw Draco pull out some money and handed it to Ron. " my mom gave me some money but you may need it more than I do. " Draco Offered. " No I can't do that." Ron refused. " Please take it. I owe you since I was kind of an ass all these years." Draco begged.

Ron smiled a little as he took the money. Draco waved as he sat back down next to me. " I'm proud of you. " I say quietly as I hold his hand. " I just wanna be a better person. I don't wanna be like my father." He mumbles. " I know, your not like him what so ever." I tell him.

Soon Pansy and Blaise sat across from us digging into their food. " So who are you guys with?" I asked them. " Each other." They said at the same time.

I giggled at them which caused them to look up. " Finally you've had the hots for each other for years." I smile at my friends. We all enjoyed our food and talked like how we used to when we were younger.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

Draco and I were in our shared dorm getting ready for bed. Draco was already in bed reading a book when I saw him. I couldn't help but stare at how handsome he looked. " Staring isn't nice." He joked as he set his book down.

I laughed a little while I got into bed. " It's just good to see you in a good mood. I haven't seen you like this in a while." I mention. " Well I have you to thank. You've done nothing but be here and I couldn't have had anyone else here besides you." He says as he wrapped his arms around me.

I cuddled into him as I started thinking. " What are you thinking about?" He mumbled. " How I had feelings for you in 4th year." I look up at him. " What about now? Do you still feel that way?" He looked back at me.

I nodded as I smiled. " How could I not. You're a good person Draco. I'm lucky to have you in my life." I explain to him. " I like you too. I have since we were kids." He smiled at the memory.

I laughed a little bit. " I know you did as a kid. Cause you asked if I would marry you. But I didn't know you did now." I mention. " You remember that?" He laughed as he rubbed his eyes. " How could I not. We told our parents that we were getting married for 2 years." I laugh at the memories.

Draco and mines laughter dialed down as we kept staring at each other. " What now?" He whispers. " Well you could kiss me." I tell him. He didn't waste any time before his lips were on mine. Our lips moved in union as he pulled me closer.

It was a gental but passionate. I deepened the kiss as his hands moved down to my hips. Soon we pulled away due to the lack of air. " Please be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I all I did was kiss him again hoping he got the hint. He gladly kissed me back with a smile on his face.

He pulled away from the kiss still smiling. " I'm guessing that was a yes?" He mentioned. I nodded as I laid my head on his chest. We stayed cuddled up and stealing kisses and just enjoying each others company.

While we were cuddling I heard people giggling behind us. I looked behind us to see Astoria and Pancy taking Polaroids of Draco and I. " Can you guys not?" I asked them. " But you guys just look so adorable." Pancy mentioned. " And we also would like to enjoy ourselves without people leaking around." I smiled sarcastically.

They both rolled their eyes as they left us alone. " You didn't have to do that." Draco mentioned. " Well I don't like it when people don't leave me alone or take pictures of me without permission." I joked. " You're gonna ask them for the pictures aren't you?" He asked me.

I nodded and laughed a little bit causing him to laugh as well. " Just make sure I get copies of them." He told me." Maybe I want them to myself." I joked. " Well I want copies of them so I can keep them in my wallet." He mentioned.

I couldn't of asked for this to go any better. I'm finally with my best friend and he's getting better day by day. I plan on making sure he never has to go through anything alone.

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