Cedric Diggory

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Storyline : Cedric was the most popular guy in your year, you were the least popular girl in your year. You thought that he would never notice a girl like you until one day he asks you to the Yule ball, You didn't wanna belive him cause you didn't think a guy like him would like a girl like you.
A/n: In this let's pretend that Cho, Cedric and you are in the same year.
House: Hufflepuff
Word Count: 1573
Warnings: slight bullying
Year : 7


Y/n's Pov

The Yule ball. That's what everyone is talking about for the past two weeks and it seems like everyone already has a date besides me. It's not like I would say yes to anyone. Well, besides Cedric but than again he's pretty popular and the hottest guy in my year.

I just so happen to be unpopular. I don't have any friends besides Cho Chang. She seemed to be the only person willing to talk to me which I am thankful that I have one friend. But there was something off about today.

It seemed that every girl in my year and a year below me were glaring at me, or pushing me against a wall or calling me names. It's not like I was not expecting something but it's just really bad today.

I was sitting with Cho at breakfast telling her about how weird some people are being. " It's cause they are jealous." She said simply. I laughed thinking she was joking, but she looked serious. " Why would they be jealous of me, I'm nothing special." I explained.

" Well let's just say I think someone likes you and has for a while." She smiled. " You're lying." I shook my head as I drank my pumpkin juice. I was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, and had a perfect view of the Hufflepuff table.

I looked over at the Hufflepuff champion Cedric Diggory, not only was he a Prefect and popular but I've fancied him for a while. One of his friends noticed me staring at him and than whispered something into his ear.

That caused him to look over at me. I blushed and quickly looked away. " So what class do we have today?" I asked. " Ravenclaw has potions with you and some other Hufflepuffs." Cho smirked. She knew about my feelings about Cedric and he was in Potions with us.

I groaned of the fact that I had to deal with Professor Snape. " Hey ladies." A voice said from behind Cho. I looked at him seeing that it was Cedric. " Hey Cedric, what's up?" Cho asked the Hufflepuff. " Um I was wondering if Y/n would be my partner for Snapes class." He smiled widely.

" What about your friends?" I questioned. " Well it's just that we are in the same house but haven't talked much, plus I need someone that won't let me do all the work." He explained. " I'll save you a seat." I smiled a little. Before he walked away another person spoke up. " Are you sure you wanna be seen with her?" A Ravenclaw asked.

Cedric nodded and looked at her. " Yeah, she seems nice." Cedric said before he walked away. " I can't believe that happened." I said to my best friend. " I can." She said as we got up and went to class.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

Cho and I walked into class and noticed that Cedric has already sat down in an empty spot. " Well aren't you gonna go sit with him?" She whispered. Before I could respond I saw Cedric waving me over. " Yeah I guess I am." I smiled at her before I took a seat next to Cedric.

" Are you good at Potions?" Cedric asked. " Studying for tests and exams, yes but making them not so much." I say truthfully." Well it's a good thing you have me to help you." He smiled. I smiled back before turning my attention to the front of the class.

Snape gave us our instructions on what he wanted us to do today. Luckily it was only notes and we were able to work with our table partner. " So how come I never see you around school?" Cedric asked. " I don't have much friends. Plus not very many people are so nice." I explained.

He gave a simple nod. " Well I've always found you interesting." He admitted. " Why? I'm not that interesting." I gave him a weird look. " Because you're not like everyone else. You don't care what most people think." He mentioned. " I do care. I guess I'm just good at hiding it." I mumbled.

" Well you don't have to care anymore cause now you have another person to hang out with." He said happily. " You wanna hang out with me?" I asked. He smiled and gave me a nod. " But your the most popular guy in our year." I mentioned. " I know and I don't care. I'll hangout with whoever I want." He gave me a small pat on the back.

Class flew by and Cedric and I got alot of work done by the time class was over. " Y/n have you got a date yet for the Yule ball?" Cedric asked. I just shook my head. " No I haven't been asked. I wasn't planning on going but my Uncle really wants me to." I say loud enough for Snape to hear.

Yes Snape is my uncle and I've been staying with him while my parents are away. We've never really had the greatest relationship bit lately he's been trying. " It's because you need to get out more." My uncle said in his low voice.

" Well I was thinking maybe we can go together." Cedric mentioned. I couldn't help but blush and look down. " It will be fun. Besides it would get you out and for us to have fun together." Cedric added." My dress is yellow just in case you want to match." I smiled as I walked away.

°°°°°°°°°°Time Skip°°°°°°°°°°°°

It was the day of the Yule Ball. Up until this day Cedric and I have spend alot of time together getting to know one another and sneaking into the kitchens for some food. But now it's the day I've been the most anxious about.

My hair is curled and my dress went up to my knees. I was looking in the mirror debating if I should actually go through with going to the ball. I heard a knock on the door. " Who is it!" I yelled. But no one answered.

So I decided to answer and to my luck it was Cedric. " Wow you look beautiful." Cedric admired. I blushed and gave him a small smile. " You don't look to bad yourself Diggory." I teased. He held his hand out and I took it.

" You seem nervous." He mentioned. " Because I am. Everyone is going to be staring at us." I whispered. " So let them. You look amazing and tonight is going to be amazing, I promise you'll have the time of your life." He spoke with a smile.

I nodded in agreement as we walked to the Great Hall. Everyone we seemed to pass stared at us in awe or in jealously. I looked at Cedric who just smiled and rubbed my back to comfort me. We went up to McGonagall as she explained how the first dance was going to go.

" Let's have some fun yeah?" He asked me. I nodded as I looked at him. " Let's make this night memorable." I spoke. " Well hate to break it to you but which what your wearing and how amazing you are it's already the best night ever." He smiled sweetly. " Well you better hope that you make it out the tournament cause I don't want what we have to end." I told him. " Me too." He whispered as the dance started.

As we walked into the Great Hall for the first dance I couldn't help but feel everyone's eyes on us and whisper to each other. " Everyone is staring at us." I mentioned. " They are looking at you, you look amazing." He smiles. " I think they are staring at you more than me. You're the Champion here." I joked as we started to dance.

Soon after the music started the rest of the students and Staff members joined in and everyone was having a blast. " Why did you ask me?" I criously asked him. " Because you are the only person who doesn't follow me around school, you treat me like I'm normal. I like that in someone who doesn't treat me like a playboy." He explains to me.

" I'd hate it if no one treated me like a normal person." I simply said. " It sucks sometimes, especially when there's only one girl that I'd want to swoon over me." He said out of no where. I narrowed my eyes at him. " And who is that special girl you speak of." I asked him. " You." He spins me around in a circle.

I giggle a little as I gazed into his eyes. " Well than I think now would be a great time to tell you I fancy you." I mention. " I know, Cho kinda told me cause she knew that I fancied you." He smirked. I looked over at Cho to see her watching us. " I told her not to tell you." I looked back at him. " Well I'm glad she did." He said quietly.

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