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"Damn her ass fat," my brother said, eyeing the woman who just walked passed us

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"Damn her ass fat," my brother said, eyeing the woman who just walked passed us. "Shit I'll hit that too," my cousin Zion charmed in as they slap each other up.

"You always know how to kill the fucking vibe Kaz," Zayn said shaking his head as he take another sip of his beer.

"I didn't even do anything," I said looking him in the eyes. "You men are quixotic, your brain is just useless," I said, drowning my water.

"So you're a feminist now Kaz?" Zayn asked, eating his nachos. "Leave it Kaz to use big words and shit," Zion said, flipping his hat backward.

"Look I don't want to say this but, it's been four months since we've been dealing with your attitude, I don't know what happened in November but you need to leave us the fuck alone," Zion said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"You see, pussy is like an elixir. It curses all men's problems you need to get some, even though you had many offers," he reminds me.

"I'm starting to think you are bad luck men since you came, it's been hard for us," Zion said, eating his wings. "Excuse me, two grown men complaining about not getting laid on another man is crazy," I said, playing with the bracelet on my wrist.

"Bro it's not our fucking fault you had the best looks in the family," Zayn raised his voice in annoyance. "Then go get fucking laid I'm not stopping you," they both looked at me and shook their heads.

"I've been watching you all evening," a lady said, placing her hand on my chest. "So why don't you go back and keep watching," I turned my head to meet her eyes. They darkened as she gasped at my response.

"Ooh ladies don't mind him, his dog died that he rescued a while ago. He is still grieving his loss," my brother said, turning his attention to the young lady and her friend group.

Zion gets up and follows him out to the patio. This was a beautiful resort but this isn't where I wanted to be, but it was where I needed to be to get her out of my mind.

I kept out of her way, the thought that I hurt her knowing she had been in a situation like that before never sat right with me.

I have had a violent side to me since I was a kid but being violent to Summer was never my plan, I'm sure she somewhere wishing evil on me.


"Yo Kaz, look I know you don't know how to express your emotions but just tell me what's going on and I'll give you some advice." My younger brother said sitting next to me on the beach.

It's dark out and it's only the two of us, I'm quiet as I think about what he just said while the water hits my feet. It was only a little water since we were at the edge where the water still meets the sand.

"I don't take advice from anyone who isn't past my knowledge." He sucked his teeth and let out a low chuckle.

"A little narcissist if you don't think, and I'm not anyone I'm your brother I never judge you." He whispered the last part as I gave it time to think.

"Have you ever had something that was out of your control?" I asked him as he raised his right eyebrow. "Yeah man, my fucking life." He laughed at the last part as I shook my head.

"This thing you can't control, is it important?" He asked me picking up a stick as he drew in the sand between his legs.

"Yeah, but the 'thing' is important to everyone, I'll be selfish if I keep it. It's the one thing I can't have to protect everyone," he looks up at me and meets my eyes as he takes in what I'm saying.

"So what's wrong with you being yourself for once, you always made everything about everyone else Kaz you put me and mom above your own needs growing up so what if you want to be selfish for a change." He screamed the last part out.

"This important thing? If it is in your care are you going to treat it right?" That was a question I never asked myself.

Was I going to treat Summer right? How could I? We see the world in different colors. She gets tired of dealing with me and never understands me.

I can be anybody I want to keep in their eyes, I can create an illusion for someone to fall in love with me so easily all just by listening to what they want.

"Have you ever repeated a sin?" I asked as he shook his head. He was lying I'm sure he sinned enough. "Well then this is different for me, the one thing I wasn't supposed to do I did," I play with the bracelet on my hands as I look at the dark blue beach waves.

"Kaz, you see man that's your problem you're always perfect you don't have flaws but your still human like the rest of us, and when we make a mistake we fix it,"

The cold water hits my bare feet as I take in what he says. "Even if that means it makes you crazy?" He laughed at my words.

"Hell yeah, that love for you Kaz. Love to make people do crazy shit," he throws the small stick into the ocean and looks back at me. "You never understand it but I'm sure you can manipulate love," he was right I can manipulate love.

I just had to read more books about it and if I provide for Summer then I'll be all she needs. Our story doesn't end here I'm sure.

"I'm guessing I didn't do too bad for someone stupid than you," he asked, standing up as he gave me a hand.

"Yeah for someone stupid than me you have sold advice," he smiled as if he had just been given an award. "Good it's nice to have a little brother like me," he said, hitting me in the stomach.

I hissed at the unexpected pain. "That was for calling me stupid dickhead," he runs off as I chase after him. He forgot I was good at football. I tackled him down to get my revenge, picking him up and dumping his body in the water.

"What the fuck Kaz," he shouted when I started to walk away. I needed to get back to her I'll lose my fucking mind if someone else took what's mine.

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