Chapter 1: Our new home

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Sara's pov:

Ugh, it's so boring here... and its so depressing, everyday someone new gets taken from the cage that we basically were forced in.
I should have listened and never left the house a couple of years ago...

"Hey Sara, how have you been?" My friend elliot asked.
"Fine I guess..." I said looking away.
"What's wrong you don't seem fine?.."
"Everyday a giant comes in takes away one of us to use them for anything! Either for food, pets or sexual pleasures, We don't have rights in this stupid world.." I said feeling annoyed.
"don't worry, it's how life is in this world.... eat or get eaten" elliot said his eyes softening, "by the way your little sister has a cold better ask the keeper for some medicine if she's willing to give you any"

Suddenly the keeper of the shop got up quick straightening her posture and seriousness struck her Hazel eyes.
A tall man then entered the small shop, dressed in fancy expensive looking cloths, and silver rings with messy carmel brown hair and a freckled face with bright red lips, with beautiful but cold grey eyes.

"He..hello sir, what can I do for you today?" The keeper said, her words stuttered out her mouth.

"I'm looking to buy 10 new tinys, have that number by any chance?" The man's voice sounded deep but soft, if Sara's eyes weren't deceiving her, he looked about 17 years old, which was young for a guy his age to look that expensive.

"Sur..e sir whatever you want, you can pick if..if you want ofcourse!.." the old woman said.
"Sure why not" the boy said.

They walked over to our glass cage, and his eyes were scanning the area and we were sat frozen from fear, he was Taller than the keeper herself which she was pretty tall.

"Hm.. I'll just take these 10 in the tank, there only 10 here anyways." He said, suddenly his eyes landed on Sara and they darkened.
"Also I want this one in a box of her own with necessities" his words said striking fear in her heart.

"Sure sir right away!" The Woman ran to get whatever was needed for the tiny human, while the man stood infront of the glass observing all the tinys that barley measured to his finger.

Out of no where he reached his hand in the glass cage and grabbed Sara in palm the of his hand, she started thrashing around and wriggling to get free from his monstrous grasp that he had around her.

"You know what, just bag her stuff, I don't need a box for her" He shouted from across the shop making her ears ring as his voice was too loud for her to handle.

After a while, everything was ready and the humans were boxed up in a small glass cage and put into a small bag for the man to carry.

"Thank you, have a good evening miss" the boy said politely carrying one bag in one hand and Sara in the other crying.

Then a butler opened a fancy car door for the man to enter and sit down and took his bags to put in the trunk.
He sat down as the driver and the butler were getting some stuff for the man to take home with him.

Sara was confused as why the older woman seemed to be scared of him and respected him as she never did with anyone else.

"So.. what's your name tiny?" He asked, opening his hand and finding sara curled up in a ball in the palm of his hand.
She didn't respond at first because she felt a lump in her throat that stopped her from speaking, she was also worried about her sister who was in the bag with the other's probably panicking.

"I asked what's your name." His voice was more stern now which scared her more.
" name is...." she said, he raised an eyebrow at her low timid voice.
" name is.. s..Sara" She said her voice shaking with fear and tears staining her face.
After all she was only 16 and had a 8 year old sister.

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