Chapter 7: A drink between friends

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.:Third person view:.

When they arrived at Cody's house, they all sat in Cody's room.
They were all talking together and laughing.

But Cody focused his attention on Sara and Jude and saw how they both got along with eachtother, and he felt annoyed with how she was only talking to him.

He decided to ignore them and talk with the other's, but everytime he heard her laugh about something Jude said, it made his blood boil.
'Why did she have to be talking to him, what's so great about Jude, he's a normal guy I've known him for years so what's different about him now?' Cody thought.

"I'm going out for a breather.." Cody said out of frustration and got up and stepped out the room and went to the backyard.

He breathed out and calmed down.
When he thought of Sara hanging with Jude, his blood boiled in jealousy and
Wanted to kick him out but he couldn't since he and Jace were one of the people he trusted most.

Then drops of rain started falling from the sky calming down his nerves and just stood there.

Jace came out into the rain and stood next to Cody and put his arm around him.
"What's wrong Cods?" He asked turning his head towards him.
"Nothing.. I don't know to be honest..." he replied is a frustrated tone.
"Is something going on between you and Ava?, you guys were just fine this morning?" Jace's expressions changed into worry, since he had always seen Cody as his other brother, "I don't know jace.. I don't feel sparks anymore between me and Ava.." he bowed his head down. "Is here someone else you like if it isn't ava?" He asked surprised.
"I'm not sure yet.." he said.
"I'm not gonna force it out of you, but when you're ready you can tell me, Alright?", "Alright..".
"Now let's go upstairs it's freezing here.", they both laughed and went inside now soaking wet because of the rain.

"How about we prepare dinner tonight?" Jace asked, "Alright, but you're cleaning after" He raised an eyebrow in question, "Ugh, fine whatever".
"What are we preparing?" Cody asked sitting on the kitchen island, " I was thinking Spicy Korean noodles?" He said pulling out the recipe off of the internet.
"Sure, noodles is a good option anyways"


After 2 hours or so they were finally done with the noodles, because they were such bad cooks they had to remake the noodles 3 times for it to taste good.

"What the hell.. that was a long time" Cody said sitting at the kitchen island.
"Shut up, you kept giving me wrong ingredients that's why it messed up everytime" Jace looked at cody angrily, then they both burst into an uncontrollable laughter to the point where jace slid off the counter and on the floor and Cody fell off his chair smack onto the floor.

When Sara heard this hysterical laughter, she wanted to go check what was happening and who was causing this hysterical laughter.

But she didn't know how to get out or down the stairs, it was now 7PM and everyone was having a Nap in her little house, so she went out to see if there are any of the guys still awake but they were also still asleep, except Cody and Jace who weren't even in the room.

She decided to use the little stairs Cody installed for them and get down.

She finally reached the floor and started running.
'Gosh, Cody needs to clean his room, it's a mess..' She thought since she was basically running through cloths and underwear and shoes and paper and random stuff.

She got to the door and luckily for her it was cracked open, so she went through and walked around till she found the stairs, "Holy.. thats a long way down.." She said under her breath.
She gathered all her courage and sat on the stairs and dangled herself till then she'd fall to the next step.

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